Ajnesh Prasad
Administración y Organizaciones
Profesor del Departamento de Estrategia y Liderazgo

La investigación del Dr. Prasad abarca las áreas de emprendimiento, género y diversidad en las organizaciones y métodos interpretativos, temas que aborda desde diversas perspectivas teórico-críticas, habiendo publicado artículos con enfoques postestructuralistas, postmodernistas, feministas, postcoloniales, neomarxistas y psicoanalíticos. El Dr. Prasad es actualmente Copresidente de la división Critical Management Studies de la Academy of Management.

El Dr. Prasad es Líder del Grupo de Investigación (GI) en Liderazgo y Organizaciones Efectivas y Eficientes de la Escuela de Negocios del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Ha publicado más de 50 artículos y capítulos, entre los que se incluyen al menos 20 contribuciones a revistas científicas indexadas como Q1, entre las que destacan Academy of Management Learning and Education, Advances in Consumer Research, Business & Society, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Gender, Work and Organization, Human Relations, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, así como Journal of Business Ethics y Critical Perspectives on International Business, en las cuales también ha coeditado ediciones especiales. Asimismo, es miembro de los comités editoriales de Human Relations y International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. Su primer libro fue publicado por la editorial Emerald.

Hasta la fecha, el Dr. Prasad ha sido beneficiario de alrededor de $15,000,000 MXN en fondos de investigación, incluyendo subvenciones y premios de organismos nacionales de financiamiento, como la British Academy (Reino Unido), The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canadá) y Conacyt (México). A la edad de 31, fue admitido como el miembro más joven del programa SNI de Conacyt con nivel II.

El Dr. Prasad escribió gran parte de su tesis doctoral como investigador graduado en Yale University. Su investigación doctoral fue subvencionada por una beca del Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, y varios otros premios. Ha impartido cursos en el MBA y programas doctorales, y ha supervisado alumnos investigadores en niveles de maestría y doctorado. Antes de llegar a EGADE Business School fue profesor principal en la UNSW Business School (incorporando la AGSM). También ha ocupado cargos de investigación en la Hebrew University of Jerusalem y en la Rutgers University.

    • Doctorado en Administración, concentración en Estudios Organizacionales
      Schulich School of Business, York University
    • Maestría en Estudios Políticos
      Queen’s University, Kingston
  • 2016 Newton Advanced Fellowship, British Academy (GBP 73,290)
  • 2016 Best Paper Award (‘Business History’ division), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
  • 2015 Finalist for Paper of the Year Award (amongst articles published in 2014), Human Relations
  • 2013 Best Paper Award (‘Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ division), Southern Management Association
  • 2013 Nominated for the William H. Newman Award (all-Academy award), Academy of Management
  • 2013 Best Paper Proceedings (top 10% of accepted papers), Academy of Management
  • 2012 Most Developmental Reviewer Award (‘Critical Management Studies’ division – 1 award given out of 129 reviewers), Academy of Management
  • 2012 Peace Fellowship, Canadian Friends of Peace Now (CAD 2,000)
  • 2012 Nominated for Best Dissertation Prize, York University
  • 2012 Best Paper Proceedings (top 10% of accepted papers), Academy of Management
  • 2009 Graduate Research Fellowship, Yale University, (USD 21,900)
  • 2009 Rutgers Research Fellowship, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University ( USD 12,500)
  • 2009 Dan David Prize Scholarship, Dan David Foundation, Tel Aviv University (USD 15,000)
  • 2009 John Wiley & Sons Outstanding Student Reviewer Award (‘Management & Organization Cognition’ division), Academy of Management
  • 2009 Student Excellence Award, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, University of Calgary (CAD 2,000)
  • 2008 Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (CAD 40,000)
  • 2008 Canadian Friends of Hebrew University of Jerusalem Scholarship, Israel and Golda Kochinsky Centre for Jewish Studies, York University (CAD 25,000)
  • 2008 Best Paper Proceedings (top 10% of accepted papers), Academy of Management
  • 2008 Best Student Paper Award (‘Critical Management Studies’ division), Academy of Management
  • 2008 Most Promising Dissertation Award, Academy of Management
  • 2008 Best Paper Award (‘Social Responsibility’ division), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
  • 2008 Doctoral Student Fellowship, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) (USD 1,000)
  • 2007 Doctoral Research Award for the Study of Gender in Management, Schulich School of Business
  • 2007 Best Student Paper Award, Midwest Sociological Society
  • 2007 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Government of Ontario (CAD 15,000)
  • 2006 Schulich Ph.D. Fellowship, Schulich School of Business (CAD 88,000)
  • 2006 Schulich Entrance Scholarship of Merit, Schulich School of Business (CAD 12,100)
  • 2005 Prize for Outstanding Student Paper (‘Sociology’ division), Southwestern Social Science Association
  • 2004 Queen’s Graduate Award, Queen’s University
  1. Segarra, P.,  Prasad, A. (2019) "Colonization, migration, and right-wing extremism: The constitution of embodied life of a dispossessed undocumented immigrant woman". Organization, Published online
  2. Thexton, T.,  Prasad, A., Mills, A.J. (2019) "Learning empathy through literature". Culture and Organization, 25 (2)
  3. Alvi, F.; Prasad, A.; Segarra, P. (2019) "The Political Embeddedness of Entrepreneurship in Extreme Contexts: The Case of the West Bank". Journal of Business Ethics, 157 (1) 279–292
  4. Rauf, A.; Prasad, A.; Ahmed, A. (2019) "How does religion discipline the consumer subject? Negotiating the paradoxical tension between consumer desire and the social order". Journal of Marketing Management, 35
  5. Prasad, A.  (2019) "BOOK REVIEW Women soldiers and citizenship in Israel: Gendered encounters with the state". Gender and Society, 33 (2)
  6. Prasad, A. (2018) "When is economic inequality justified?". Business Horizons, 61 (6) 855-862
  7. Li, E.; Prasad, A. (2018) "From Wall 1.0 to Wall 2.0: Graffiti, Social Media, and Ideological Acts of Resistance and Recognition Among Palestinian Refugees". American Behavioral Scientist, 62 (4) 493-511
  8. Prasad, A., Segarra, P., & Villanueva, C. E. (2018) "Academic life under institutional pressures for AACSB accreditation: Insights from faculty members in Mexican business schools". Studies in Higher Education, 44 (9) 1-14
  9. Rauf, A. A. & Prasad, A (2018) "Temporal spaces of egalitarianism: The negation of economic inequality in ephemeral religious organization. ". Journal of Business Ethics, Published online
  10. Dulini F.; Ajnesh P. (2018) "Sex-based harassment and organizational silencing: How women are led to reluctant acquiescence in academia". Human relations, 72 (10) 1565-1594
  11. Prasad, A. (2019) Autoethnography and Organization Research Reflections from Fieldwork in Palestine. Palgrave.
  12. Prasad, A., Segarra, P. & Villanueva, C. E. (2019) Situating knowledges through feminist objectivity in organization studies: Donna Haraway and the partial perspective. In R. McMurray & A. Pullen (Eds.), Routledge focus on women writers in organization studies: Rethinking culture, organization and management. New York: Routledge.
  13. Khoury, T. A., & Prasad, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship amid concurrent institutional constraints in less developed countries. Business and Society, 55(7), 934-969.
  14. Fotaki, M., & Prasad, A. (2015). Questioning neoliberal capitalism and economic inequality in business schools. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 14(4), 556-575.
  15. Prasad, A. (2014). You can’t go home again: And other psychoanalytic lessons from crossing a neo-colonial border. Human Relations, 67(2), 233-257.
  16. Prasad, A. (2013). Playing the game and trying not to lose myself: A doctoral student’s perspective on the institutional pressures for research output. Organization, 20(6), 936-948.
  17. Prasad, A. (2012). Beyond analytical dichotomies. Human Relations, 65(5), 567-595.