"How is it possible to maintain the balance between economic growth, a population’s quality of life and the deterioration of the natural wealth of regions, all at the same time?"

Carlos Scheel has been a professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1973. As an expert in innovation, technology and sustainability strategies, Dr. Scheel’s research and teaching focuses on the areas of complex systems dynamics, technological innovation, innovation clusters strategies, the creation of unusual business models, technology-based entrepreneurship, distributed systems and information technology, concepts on which he has delivered short courses and specialized seminars in more than 30 institutions in 16 countries.

Since 2007, he has designed and validated the SWIT model (Sustainable Wealth creation based on Innovation and Technology) in several countries in order to create sustainable regional wealth at three empowering levels: Zero-value Residues Industrial Ecology Systems (ZRIES); Circular Value Ecosystems (CVES); the creation of regional sharing value systems (SVS) and the development of conditions and infrastructure for Innovacities.

Throughout his career, Dr. Scheel has been a consultant in international technical co-operation for a number of governments. He has participated in more than 20 international projects for the development of strategies, systems and policies for the implementation of industrial clusters; as well as science and technology innovation programs related to regional innovation systems, including, transfer, technological co-operation and technology-based entrepreneurship. These projects have been sponsored by bodies such as BID, UNIDO, USAID, the World Bank, PNUD, UNEP, EU Framework Programs and domestic governments.

Professor Scheel is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI (National System of Researchers), Level 1 since 2007, and since 1989 he is a senior researcher at the Innovation, Creativity and Capital Institute (IC2) of the University of Texas, Austin (USA). Previously, he served as Director of the Postgraduate School of Information Technologies, Electronics, and Telecommunications of the Tecnológico de Monterrey (1985-2001).

    • Ph.D. in Engineering, Optimal Control Systems
      University of Houston, USA
    • MSc Computing, Control and Communications Engineering
      University of Michigan, USA
  • Senior Research Fellow of the IC2 (Innovation, Creativity and Capital) Institute of the University of Texas-Austin USA. (1989-present)
  • Member of the Global Consumer Advisory Board of AMD (Advanced Micro Devices).  Founding Member, USA (2002- 2004).
  • International Advisor  on Competitive Strategy and Industrial Policies for the Private Sector Development Branch of  UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization-Vienna), and PNUD from 1989 – 2012.
  • Member of the National Systems of Researchers (SNI), from 2007, CONACyT, Mexico.
  1. Aguiñaga, E., Henriques I., Scheel C., & Scheel, A. (2018) "Building Resilience: A Self-sustainable Community Approach to the Triple Bottom Line.". Journal of Cleaner Production, 173 (1) 186-196
  2. Scheel, C., (2019). Comment l’innovation disruptive systémique et circulaire peut-elle créer des richesses durables. Ed. By D. Bretones. Les organisations face aux défis technologiques et sociétaux du XXIe siècle.  Collection: Stratégie, management, organization. (Ch. 2. pp 97- 113) Editions MA-ESKA. France. ISBN: 978-2-8224-0589-8
  3. Cámara-Creixell, J & Scheel-Mayenberger, C. (2018). PetStar PET bottle-to-bottle recycling system, a zero-waste circular economy business model. Edited by M Franco-Garcia, J Carpio-Aguila, H Bressers. Towards Zero Waste. Circular Economy boosts the transformation of wastes to resources. (pp. 191-214) Springer Verlag.  ISBN  978-3-319-92930-9, eBook: 2543-0254
  4. Scheel, C., & Aguiñaga, E. (2017). Economía Circular una alternativa a los limites del crecimiento lineal. Edited by E. Raufflet et al. Responsabilidad, Ética y Sostenibilidad Empresarial. (pp. 157-171). México. Pearson Publisher.
  5. Scheel, C., (2016).Beyond sustainability. Transforming industrial zero-valued residues into increasing economic returns. Journal of Cleaner Production. 131(9), May. 376-386. ISNN: 0959-6526.
  6. Scheel, C. (2011). Innovacities: in search of breakthrough innovations producing world-class performance. International Journal of Knowledge-based development, 2(4), 372-388. ISSN: 2040-4468. 
  7. Dinámica de Ecosistemas Industriales.
  8. Scheel, TRILLAS. 2ª. Ed. 2008, reprinted in 2011. Mexico.