Dean of EGADE Addresses Business Schools' Responsibility at AMBA & BGA Conference in Budapest

Horacio Arredondo participates in a panel during a meeting of deans and directors organized by international accrediting bodies in the Hungarian capital.


Horacio Arredondo, Dean of EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey, made a notable contribution during the 2024 AMBA & BGA Global Deans and Directors Conference in Budapest, Hungary.

Arredondo was one of the speakers on the panel "Creating Change for Good: Business Schools and Their Responsibility for a Better Global Future."

Other panelists included Abu Bakar Hassan, Dean of Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (Malaysia); Mari Iizuka, Vice Dean and Director of the Global Business and Management Studies Program at Doshisha Business School (Japan); Sarah Kelly, Leader of the Graduate School of Business at Queensland University of Technology (Australia); and Wendy Loretto, Professor of Organizational Behavior at University of Edinburgh Business School (Scotland).

In his address, Arredondo emphasized the importance of innovation and sustainability in educational programs to develop leaders capable of addressing current challenges.

"It was an honor to be part of the AMBA & BGA Global Conference in Budapest and to share EGADE Business School's sustainability vision and strategy alongside fellow leaders in business education," stated the Dean.

The AMBA & BGA Global Deans and Directors Conference is an annual event that brings together leaders from business schools around the world to exchange ideas on trends, challenges, and opportunities in business education.

AMBA (Association of MBAs) and BGA (Business Graduates Association) are organizations dedicated to the accreditation and improvement of business education globally. They promote standards of excellence and foster innovation in MBA and other graduate business programs.

This edition of the conference, held from May 12 to 14 in the Hungarian capital, underscored the need for business schools to take an active role in solving global problems, reinforcing their commitment to training responsible and ethical leaders.

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