Three pieces of advice from the CEO of Heineken México to EGADE graduates

Submitted by egade on Tue, 06/19/2018 - 10:47
3 consejos del CEO de Heineken México a graduados de EGADE

Dolf van den Brink, Presidentand CEO of Heineken México, was invited to speak at the EGADE Business School Monterrey June 2018 Graduation Ceremony, where he shared three pieces of advice with the graduating students.

The Dutch-born executive highlighted lessons he had learned from his father and as Commercial Director of Bralima, Heineken’s subsidiary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the position he held prior to being appointed President and CEO of Heineken USA, and taking on his current role in Mexico.

“I would like to share three pieces of advice with you, drawn from difficult lessons I have learned, and that can help you at this important moment in your lives,” he stated.

Advice #1: “Go to difficult places”

“(Accepting the position in the Congo) has been the most difficult decision of my life so far, but it also turned out to be one of the best. At a very young age, in my early thirties, I took on responsibilities and opportunities that I would never have had in more developed markets. It was a challenge like no other. Living and working in a totally different culture truly shifts all your paradigms and changes your mentality. I am here today because of what I learned in the Congo, a difficult place.

“You are about to make momentous decisions about your career and can have a similar experience when someone gives you the chance to go to a difficult place or take a position that, on the surface, might not seem particularly attractive. What are you going to do? Reject it and choose the easy path? Or are you going to seize the opportunity to face up to many challenges that might be somewhat painful, but that could also be unique learning experiences?

“My advice is not to look for the perfect job but to go for the role that will give you the greatest chance to learn. Have faith in life and the opportunities it gives you,” he said.

Advice #2: "If you want to receive, first give”

Van den Brink mentioned that this is the advice given to him by his mentor on arriving at the African subsidiary.

“When they invite you to be a group leader, many people focus on performance, strategy, vision. Or, even worse, some people think it’s about being in charge and giving orders. In reality, being a leader is, more than anything, about looking out for your people.  Helping and supporting them. And when you put your heart into this, they will give that and more back to you. I learned this in the Congo.

“During my first few months there, I focused on the business and how poorly it was performing. The company was losing participation and money, and had been doing so for some time. However hard I tried to change things, nothing improved. But when I saw the people’s needs, the obstacles they faced, that was when the business began to change.

“For example, when I arrived there was so little money that practically none of the salesforce had vehicles to visit customers. They spent their own money on transportation and it took them ages to get anywhere. Without knowing how I would do it, I made a promise to them, that I wouldn’t rest until each of them had a small car or at least a motorcycle. It took me more than a year and a half, but I kept my promise. The team’s response was fantastic. Of course, it wasn’t just about a car, but also trust. In the end, our operation became one of the fastest growing in the company worldwide.

“Each of you has received a world-class education, many of you will lead teams at some point in your lives, so take the advice given to me by my mentor: if you want to receive, first give. Take care of your people, safeguard their wellbeing, support them and help them to grow. That’s how you will achieve great results,” he commented.

Advice #3: “Make this world a little bit better”

Van den Brink related that some years ago, his father became ill and died within three months from a brain tumor. It was the saddest period of his life, but, at the same time, he forged a special relationship with this father and they talked about important things they had never discussed before.

“I asked him: ‘Dad, what was your purpose in life?’ I thought he would laugh at me because it wasn’t the kind of topic he talked about. However, he looked at me very seriously and said: ‘I came here to make this world a little bit better.’

“I often saw how he used his position of privilege to make a difference. And not only in big ways, but also in little gestures, in meaningful ways. More than a thousand people attended his funeral, mostly young students and colleagues whom he had helped in hard times, people from the charities in which he participated. Even though he was leaving this world, he taught me a very important lesson in the last moments we spent together.

“I know that the question about the purpose in life is huge and intimidating. Should you worry about it now that you are so young and just starting out in your careers? When I started working, I did focus on performing well and being successful, and I’m sure that’s what you have in mind, but if you don’t take care of yourselves, you will be stuck in this stage of your lives forever.

“This is what my father taught me. He forced me to ask myself what is the greater good than the one I am serving, until I am serving beyond myself. We are all born with unlimited potential. But serving only yourself, accomplishing only success, won’t let you reach your full potential of the person you could be.

“Put into practice everything you have learned here at EGADE. This is an incredible place that has given you so much. Go out into the world, go to those difficult places that will teach you so much. Remember that if you want to receive, you must first give. And don’t forget that in the middle of all this success, you must try to find a way to make this world a little bit better,” concluded Van den Brink.


EGADE and IE launch the Senior Management Program to transform business leadership

Submitted by jose.paz on Tue, 07/16/2024 - 17:53

The program forms a bridge between Spain and Mexico, allowing participants to learn about the innovative trends for senior management in technology, leadership, processes, and value creation being implemented in Europe and Latin America.


EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey and IE Business School, two of the most prestigious business schools in Iberian America, have joined forces to launch the Senior Management Program (SMP), an executive program designed to develop value-generation-oriented transformational leadership in directors, shareholders, and business leaders.

In a constantly shifting business environment, where innovation and growth are key to success, SMP offers participants the tools and knowledge needed to navigate both current and future challenges.

The 135-hour program is delivered in a blended format, with online classes as well as in-person classes at the EGADE Business School Santa Fe site in Mexico City, and IE Business School in Madrid, Spain.

SMP targets directors who are responsible for strategic decision-making, executives in senior management positions with at least 15 years’ experience, partners, shareholders, owners, founders and CEOs from any company, management professionals who promote and guide change in their organizations, directors with prior business training and an attitude of continuous learning and intellectual curiosity.

Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School, affirmed that SMP forms a bridge between Spain and Mexico for learning about the innovative trends for senior management in technology, leadership, processes, and value creation being implemented in Europe and Latin America.

“In addition to an enriching academic experience, SMP offers participants a unique opportunity to interact with other directors and business leaders from both countries, enabling them to expand their professional networks and potential partnerships,” he stated.

The comprehensive preparation offered by SMP is based on four pillars:

  • Development of a transformation mindset: Acquire the necessary skills and tools to understand market trends, generate value in their organizations and capitalize on innovation opportunities.
  • Creation of future strategies: Delve into competitive and corporate strategy in today’s world, the functioning of governing boards, and personal brand planning.
  • Exponential and sustainable value generation: Explore strategies for designing and reaching growth and sustainability objectives, using technological tools and new methodologies for creating value in every area of the company.
  • Inspiration and commitment: Develop leadership skills to inspire and align teams towards a common objective.

The academic leaders from the two schools are Juan Enciso, director of the EGADE - W. P. Carey Executive MBA, EGADE Business School, and Carola Arboli, director of Open Programs Executive Education at IE Business School.

SMP will be launched in September 2024, opening a unique opportunity for directors, shareholders, and business leaders to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to lead their organizations towards success in a constantly changing world.

Further information here.


EGADE Monterrey Celebrates June 2024 Graduation

Submitted by jose.paz on Sat, 06/22/2024 - 15:35

Germán Canale Segovia, co-founder and CEO of Aguafría, serves as the guest speaker for the ceremony.


In an emotional and vibrant ceremony, the June 2024 Class of EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey, including the on-site programs in Monterrey and online programs, celebrated the completion of their postgraduate studies with great joy and pride.

The graduation ceremony took place on January 22 at the Monterrey site of EGADE Business School, and was broadcast live via, allowing family, friends, and loved ones to be part of this significant event.

On this occasion, 154 master's degrees and 2 doctoral degrees were awarded to graduates from various cities in Mexico and nine countries, including Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, USA and Venezuela.

By program, the graduates included 103 from the EGADE MBA and EGADE MBA Online; 5 from the EGADE – UNC Charlotte MBA in Global Business & Strategy; 44 from the Master in Finance and Master in Finance Online; 2 from the Master in Business Analytics; and 2 from the Doctorate in Administrative Sciences.

Honors for excellence were awarded to master's graduates who achieved the highest GPA in their programs.

This select group included:

  • Alejandro Castellanos Peña and Alma Luz González Pedraza, from the EGADE MBA.
  • René Rodolfo Valle, from the EGADE MBA Online.
  • Jorge Abraham González Núñez, from the EGADE – UNC Charlotte MBA in Global Business & Strategy.
  • José Alejandro Mariotto Armas, from the Master in Finance, who also achieved the highest GPA of his class.

Additionally, Hugo Alberto Álvarez Pérez and Beatriz Adriana González Cavazos, as graduates of the Doctorate in Administrative Sciences, received an institutional medal in addition to their academic degree.

Germán Canale Segovia, co-founder and CEO of Aguafría; Juan Pablo Murra, Rector for Higher Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey; Horacio Arredondo, Dean of EGADE Business School; and Eva Guerra, Academic Associate Dean of EGADE Business School, presided over the graduation in Monterrey.

In his inspiring speech as the guest speaker, Canale Segovia invited the graduates to live with fullness, satisfaction, and transcendence, dedicating themselves to what they love and rejecting useless distractions.

“Fall in love madly and without limits with the causes, ideals, and people you choose. It won’t always be pleasant, but it will always be meaningful. Forgive yourself when things don’t go as expected and also forgive others. Work for the benefit of those causes and people with dedication, and live with fullness and satisfaction,” the executive emphasized.

Celeste Griselle Contreras, speaking on behalf of her class, urged the graduates to remain open to continuous learning, adapt, innovate, and lead in their respective fields, driving the changes that society and organizations require.

“Be generous in sharing answers and teaching the way. Let us be the leaders that our country and the world need. There are no small projects or tasks; everything adds up and has an impact. Believe in yourselves and your ability to make a difference. Curiosity and the willingness to teach are essential pillars for building a better future,” expressed the graduate of the EGADE – UNC Charlotte MBA in Global Business & Strategy and Trade Compliance Senior Manager at Carrier.

Before administering the oath, Murra urged the new EXATEC EGADE to maintain their intellectual curiosity, value questions more than answers, and educate themselves continuously.

“Be among the nonconformists who never stopped being students. Be an example of that hallmark that has distinguished so many EXATEC for decades. Learn from the example of others, from the Tec community, from other nonconformists who have gone out to transform realities. And, in time, be mentors and examples for future generations,” said the Rector.

The ceremony at EGADE Business School's Monterrey site will be followed by graduations in Guadalajara and Mexico City on June 26 and 28, respectively.


EGADE reaffirms leadership in Mexico and Latin America with its MBAs and master's programs in the Eduniversal 2024 ranking

Submitted by jose.paz on Wed, 06/05/2024 - 09:00

Five EGADE Business School postgraduate programs stand out regionally in seven business categories of the global ranking.


EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey has reaffirmed its leadership in postgraduate business education in Mexico and Latin America, according to the results of the Eduniversal 2024 Best Masters & MBAs worldwide ranking.

The EGADE Business School programs that achieved first place nationally and regionally in different business categories are:

"This recognition by Eduniversal reinforces our commitment to providing transformative and cutting-edge education. Thanks to the effort and dedication of our professors, students, and alumni, we continue to lead and evolve to meet global challenges with programs of excellence," commented Horacio Arredondo, Dean of EGADE Business School.

In its 2024 edition, the Eduniversal Best Masters & MBAs ranking evaluated 5,820 postgraduate programs from over 1,800 universities and business schools in 153 countries and 9 geographic zones, covering 56 fields of study.

The ranking methodology is based on three main criteria: program reputation, the salary of the first job of graduates, and student satisfaction.

EGADE Business School has been recognized as the best business school in Mexico and Latin America for 16 consecutive years, according to the Eduniversal 2024 Business Schools Ranking.

Additionally, it is the only business school in Mexico that appears in the highest classification of the "5 Palmes of Excellence," which includes the 100 best business schools recognized as Universal Business Schools with strong global influence.

Eduniversal is a global ranking agency specialized in evaluating institutions and programs of business schools and universities worldwide, based in France since 1994 and internationally since 2007.

For more details on the results of the Eduniversal 2024 Best Masters & MBAs ranking, visit:


EGADE Action Week 2024: A week for embracing sustainability

Submitted by jose.paz on Tue, 05/21/2024 - 13:31

This second edition's activities took place from May 13 to 17 and included book presentations, conferences, and discussion panels.


The second edition of EGADE Action Week, organized by EGADE Business School—Tecnológico de Monterrey, was a resounding success. It fulfilled its purpose of inspiring the community to embrace sustainability as a fundamental pillar in the development of businesses that make a positive impact.

The activities, which took place from May 13 to 17, targeted EGADE Business School students, graduates, and professors, as well as leaders and members of various sectors and industries.


The week started with the presentation of the book Haz más con menos: Los 6 principios de innovación frugal (Do More With Less: The 6 Principles of Frugal Innovation), co-written by Cristian Granados and Felipe Symmes, EGADE Business School professors.

The academics highlighted how frugal innovation enables organizations to develop high-quality, sustainable, and affordable solutions.


Melissa Berman, founding president and former CEO of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, delivered the keynote address “Philanthropic leadership for the 21st century,” underscoring the need to build trust as one of the main challenges for philanthropy worldwide.

The panel “New trends in strategic social-impact philanthropy in Latin America” was also presented, with the participation of Lorena Guillé-Laris, director of FEMSA Foundation; Magdalena Aninat, director of the Enterprise and Society Center at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) Business School); Rodrigo Villar, associate researcher at the UAI CIESC and CEFIS; and Luciana Manfredi, professor at EGADE Business School.



The presentation of the VIVA Idea Schmidheiny Chair in Sustainable Futures at EGADE Business School was yet another highlight of EGADE Action Week.

Urs Jäger, CEO of VIVA Idea, emphasized the urgency of integrating sustainable approaches into the education of future business leaders and proposed a model that combines high-level research with practical applications.

The event included a panel of experts, including Felipe Symmes, professor and leader of the VIVA Idea Schmidheiny Chair in Sustainable Futures at EGADE Business School; Alejandra Rivero, Director of Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Banregio; and Gabriel Rivera, CEO of Altitud.


Boyd Cohen, EGADE Business School professor, presented his book Abundance Capitalism.

The scholar explained that the central concept of his book is based on the convergence of exponential technologies with sustainable and regenerative business practices, seeking to achieve inclusive prosperity for people and the planet.


Throughout the week, the students experienced Action Breaks during their class recesses at the EGADE Business School sites in Monterrey, Santa Fe, Guadalajara, and Querétaro.

These activities were designed to encourage reflection on sustainable development, and they were conducted in collaboration with experts from Dilo en señas, Maoli, Industria Circular MX, Archer Integrated Risk Management, and Rincón Verde.


In an environment of learning and collaboration, the EGADE Volunteer Day welcomed over 60 students from the technical high school CBTIS 99.

More than 50 women and men volunteers from the EGADE community, including professors, collaborators, and students, devoted their time to engaging young people in a series of activities and challenges focused on the development of leadership and teamwork skills, reinforcing the school’s commitment to social responsibility and education.


EGADE Action Week also saw the launch of the second edition of the Program for the Professionalization of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), organized in collaboration with the Nuevo León State Ministry of Equality and Inclusion.

This generation is made up of 28 leaders from 18 organizations that serve different sectors, such as social welfare, health, education, and the environment.

EGADE Action Week 2024 concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and a clear vision of how education and collaboration can serve as catalysts for positive change. This demonstrated the vital role of EGADE Business School in preparing future leaders committed to sustainability and innovation.


Volunteer Day at EGADE Action Week

Submitted by jose.paz on Mon, 05/20/2024 - 18:45

Participants include more than 50 women and men volunteers from the EGADE community, including professors, collaborators and students.


In an environment of learning and collaboration, the EGADE Volunteer Day, part of EGADE Action Week 2024, welcomed over 60 students from the technical high school CBTIS 99, in Monterrey.

More than 50 women and men volunteers from the EGADE community, including professors, collaborators and students, devoted their time to engaging the visitors in educational activities.

Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School—Tecnológico de Monterrey, welcomed the young people and stressed the importance of the day as an opportunity to foster their integration and skills development.

During the day, the high school students faced challenges designed to nurture key competencies in five areas: teamwork, communication, resilience, self-knowledge and creativity.

Each area was addressed through interactive exercises that challenged students to overcome obstacles and work together toward common goals, preparing them for future academic and professional challenges.

In this way, the EGADE Volunteer Day activities helped to reinforce essential practical skills and foster a spirit of leadership and collaboration among the participants.


Dean of EGADE Addresses Business Schools' Responsibility at AMBA & BGA Conference in Budapest

Submitted by jose.paz on Mon, 05/20/2024 - 16:09

Horacio Arredondo participates in a panel during a meeting of deans and directors organized by international accrediting bodies in the Hungarian capital.


Horacio Arredondo, Dean of EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey, made a notable contribution during the 2024 AMBA & BGA Global Deans and Directors Conference in Budapest, Hungary.

Arredondo was one of the speakers on the panel "Creating Change for Good: Business Schools and Their Responsibility for a Better Global Future."

Other panelists included Abu Bakar Hassan, Dean of Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (Malaysia); Mari Iizuka, Vice Dean and Director of the Global Business and Management Studies Program at Doshisha Business School (Japan); Sarah Kelly, Leader of the Graduate School of Business at Queensland University of Technology (Australia); and Wendy Loretto, Professor of Organizational Behavior at University of Edinburgh Business School (Scotland).

In his address, Arredondo emphasized the importance of innovation and sustainability in educational programs to develop leaders capable of addressing current challenges.

"It was an honor to be part of the AMBA & BGA Global Conference in Budapest and to share EGADE Business School's sustainability vision and strategy alongside fellow leaders in business education," stated the Dean.

The AMBA & BGA Global Deans and Directors Conference is an annual event that brings together leaders from business schools around the world to exchange ideas on trends, challenges, and opportunities in business education.

AMBA (Association of MBAs) and BGA (Business Graduates Association) are organizations dedicated to the accreditation and improvement of business education globally. They promote standards of excellence and foster innovation in MBA and other graduate business programs.

This edition of the conference, held from May 12 to 14 in the Hungarian capital, underscored the need for business schools to take an active role in solving global problems, reinforcing their commitment to training responsible and ethical leaders.


Abundance Capitalism: Boyd Cohen Presents His Vision at EGADE Action Week

Submitted by jose.paz on Fri, 05/17/2024 - 19:21

The professor calls for a change from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.


Boyd Cohen, a research professor at EGADE Business School—Tecnológico de Monterrey—presented his book Abundance Capitalism during EGADE Action Week 2024.

The scholar explained that the concept of “Abundance Capitalism” is based on the convergence of exponential technologies with sustainable and regenerative business practices, seeking to achieve inclusive prosperity for people and the planet.  

One of the central points of his presentation, which took place on May 16 at the Monterrey site of EGADE Business School, was the need to change from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.

Cohen argued that, instead of viewing resources as limited, we should take advantage of technological innovations and sustainable practices to create a future in which prosperity and sustainability coexist.

To illustrate his points, the professor highlighted examples of sustainable projects in Copenhagen, Singapore, and Vancouver.

He said that in Copenhagen, the Amager Resource Center (ARC) can convert more than 400 thousand tons of waste into clean energy for the city in a year and also has a ski slope and climbing wall, among many other recreational facilities.

Singapore, he added, has developed a comprehensive water management strategy (Four National Taps) that includes rainwater catchment, grey and black water reuse, and desalination. He commented that this approach has not only solved the water problem of this city-state but has also produced an ecosystem of more than 200 companies and 25 research centers from the water sector, generating over 14 thousand jobs.

In addition, he stated, the Vancouver Olympic Villa development has converted a tract of industrial land into a sustainable community, with green buildings and affordable housing.

"The Vancouver project is a model of how cities can be sustainable and inclusive, offering housing for low-income individuals in the heart of the city," he said.

Cohen ended his presentation with an optimistic message, emphasizing that innovation and collaboration can lead us toward a future where sustainability and prosperity are available to all.

“We can transform our cities and economies by adopting new technologies and regenerative business models. The change to an abundance economy is possible if we work together," he concluded.

Cohen has also published three books, Post-Capitalist Entrepreneurship: Startups for the 99%, The Emergence of the Urban Entrepreneur, and Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate Change, as well as multiple academic and popular articles, and has created several companies in the context of smart cities and sustainability.

His research has been published in Fast Company and CoinDesk, and he has numerous publications on smart cities. His "Smart Cities Wheel" model has been used by governments across the world to evaluate, classify, and plan their transition towards a future with net zero emissions.

He recently participated in the Business Territory podcast, episode 160 – Abundance Mindset and ESG for a Sustainable Future.

