EXATEC EGADE celebrates innovation and leadership during the 2024 Annual Reunion

Graduates reflect on the future of business and creativity in a constantly changing world, with conferences by international speakers.
With a focus on innovation, leadership, and the integration of science into the business world, the Seventh Annual EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey Alumni Reunion brought together more than 100 members of the EXATEC EGADE community to reflect on the future of business and its impact on society.
The event, held on August 30 in Monterrey, began with welcome messages by Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School, and María Livas, director of Alumni Relations and Career Hub.
Arredondo emphasized EGADE Business School's purpose of rethinking the future of business to impact the sustainable development of Latin America.
"We are committed to excellence and social responsibility. It gives us great pride to see how our graduates, with their leadership, are shaping the future and creating a tangible impact within and beyond their communities," he stated.
Livas emphasized that the EXATEC EGADE community can boast more than 20 thousand alums and leaders committed to the country's and the region's economic and social development.
🟢Durante la #RAE2024, Alma Rosa García Puig, reconocida con el Premio al Mérito #EXATECEGADE, nos recordó que el futuro exige líderes que no solo se adapten, sino que evolucionen. "La reinvención constante es clave, los próximos 10 años traerán más cambios que los últimos 200". pic.twitter.com/lCr7bC5sXh
— EGADE Business School (@egade) August 30, 2024
One of the most meaningful moments of the event was the presentation of the 2024 EGADE Alumni Achievement Award to Alma Rosa García Puig, founding partner of Cinemas WTC, in recognition of her outstanding career in the film industry and her significant impact on social causes.
The award was presented by Arredondo and Zinia Padilla, national director of Alumni Relations at Tecnológico de Monterrey.
After accepting the award, García Puig (MBA'05) gave a talk, "Reflections on Life and Business," in which she stressed the importance of resilience, adaptability, and commitment to the community as fundamental pillars for business success.
"As leaders, we are responsible for developing teams and people who love Mexico and the world more. We are not only impacting ecology but also humanity. It is our duty to start this change," she said.
En la #RAE2024, Diego Uribe, CEO de @IdemaxBusiness, y @acouvecorrea, ex Ministro de Ciencia e Innovación de Chile, exploraron cómo integrar el core científico empresarial para mantener relevancia en un mundo volátil. "La clave está en fusionar ciencia y negocios para competir.” pic.twitter.com/G9gdbGVGKf
— EGADE Business School (@egade) August 31, 2024
The day continued with the conference "The Transformative Forces of Science in Business," offered by Diego Uribe, CEO of IDEMAX Business Consulting, and Andrés Couve, former Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation in Chile.
They both highlighted the need to integrate science and technology into the core of business strategies to face current challenges.
Uribe stated that "the 20th-century formula is limited in its effectiveness" and stressed the importance of incorporating new capabilities to advance in the creation of value and sustainability.
Couve added that "today, more than ever, science and technology must be at the center of our business strategies in order to generate a real and sustainable impact."
🚀 @bretwaters, autor internacional y profesor de @Stanford, nos inspiró con su conferencia "The Launch Path", brindando claves para transformar ideas de #startups en ventures listos para despegar. Un momento destacado en la Reunión Anual de Egresados. #EXATECEGADE #RAE2024 pic.twitter.com/znxAE9xKI2
— EGADE Business School (@egade) August 31, 2024
The focus on entrepreneurship and innovation continued with the conference "The Launch Path, Getting from a Start-Up Idea to a Launch-Ready Venture," which was hosted by Professor Bret Waters from Stanford University.
Waters stressed the importance of listening to the market and designing a solid business model from the beginning.
"Having a great idea isn't enough; you need the numbers to work. Luck is not a business model; you need a well-thought-out strategy," he explained.
✨#RAE2024 @JamesTaylor_me nos llevó a explorar la #SuperCreativity, donde la combinación de creatividad humana, colaboración y la potencia de la #IA se convierte en la clave para enfrentar los desafíos de un mundo en constante cambio. pic.twitter.com/BIu33tEcvW
— EGADE Business School (@egade) August 31, 2024
The event also included the conference "Creativity in the Artificial Intelligence Era" by James Taylor, an international expert in creativity and innovation.
Taylor explored how artificial intelligence can enhance human creativity, stating that "creativity is collaborative. The combination of our human curiosity and our ability to collaborate with machines will define the future."
The meeting ended with a mixology workshop, where the alumnae and alumni enjoyed a space for sharing experiences in an atmosphere of celebration and networking.