Ernesto Amorós Is Honored With the Rómulo Garza Prize in the Scientific Papers Category

Submitted by jose.paz on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 17:18

The award ceremony for the prize promoted by Tecnológico de Monterrey in partnership with Xignux took place during the Tec Science Summit.


José Ernesto Amorós Espinosa, associate dean of the Faculty of EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey, has been honored with the 2023 Rómulo Garza Prize for Research and Innovation in the Scientific Papers category.

This category of the prize, promoted by Tecnológico de Monterrey in partnership with Xignux, recognizes papers that have been published in indexed journals with a high-impact factor and with an outstanding number of citations.

Amorós Espinoza won the award for his paper “Necessity or Opportunity? The Effects of State Fragility and Economic Development on Entrepreneurial Efforts,” published in the academic journal Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ETP), the leading entrepreneurship publication considered to be one of the most influential for business and economics, according to the UK newspaper Financial Times.

"This work is part of a wider project that has greatly influenced the development of entrepreneurship ecosystems in Mexico and many other countries: the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Thanks to GEM, we can now confirm, as this work demonstrates, that the quality of government institutions is a very important and, at times, determining factor in assuring an entrepreneurial dynamic that pursues genuine business opportunities. In contrast, fragile states with poor quality governments encourage entrepreneurship out of necessity as a survival mechanism,” Amorós commented.

The prizegiving ceremony occurred on February 28 as part of the Tec Science Summit 2024 activities organized by Tec de Monterrey.

One of the most notable winners, encompassing six categories, was Arturo Molina Gutiérrez, director of the Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing. He received the Insignia Award for his exceptional 35-year career in science at Tec de Monterrey.

Furthermore, Edgar David Ramón Raygoza, who earned a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences at the Tec School of Engineering and Science, received the accolade for research that led to entrepreneurship.

The awards for students’ research projects went to Fernanda Estibalíz Ibarra Esparza, Master of Engineering Sciences student, School of Engineering and Science; María Paula García García, B.Sc. in Nanotechnology Engineering; and PrepaTec high school student José María Salvador Martínez.

The Rómulo Garza Prize for Research and Innovation recognizes the talent and promotion of scientific work by Tec de Monterrey researchers, professors, and students.

The Prize, introduced 49 years ago in memory of entrepreneur Rómulo Garza, who was an outstanding research promoter, Tec board member, and philanthropist during his lifetime, recognizes and drives the career paths and scientific advancements of this institution’s researchers.

During the award ceremony, Eugenio Garza Herrera, Chairman of the Board at Xignux and Rómulo Garza’s grandson, emphasized the dedication and contribution of the winners to propose solutions that will solve humanity’s problems.

“Let us remember the fundamental importance of research-based knowledge construction in consolidating freedom and for our society’s progress,” Garza Herrera stated.

David Garza Salazar, rector and executive president of Tecnológico de Monterrey, thanked the Rómulo Garza family and Xignux, on behalf of the Institution, for their support in driving research and keeping such an important legacy alive.

“We are proud of the talent of our community of researchers and their contributions that enrich science and serve to create innovative solutions based on cutting-edge knowledge. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment to developing science- and technology-based research and ventures to impact development in Mexico and the world,” he said.

In addition to Garza Herrera and Garza Salazar, other Board members present were Ana Cristina Garza de Sáenz, Humberto Garza Domínguez, Óscar Martínez Treviño, Guillermo Torre Amione, Juan Pablo Murra Lascurain, Hugo Garza Medina, Feniosky Peña-Mora, and Alejandro Poiré Romero.

Throughout its history, the Prize has paid tribute to more than 400 research undertakings and 11 people with exemplary careers. By recognizing these achievements and contributions to the community, Tecnológico de Monterrey continues to establish itself as a platform for enriching science and creating innovative solutions based on cutting-edge knowledge.



Eva Guerra has been appointed Academic Associate Dean at EGADE

Submitted by jose.paz on Tue, 02/06/2024 - 19:43

The appointment was announced on February 2 by the Dean of EGADE Business School, Horacio Arredondo.


After serving in the role on an interim basis since October 2023, Eva María Guerra Leal has been officially appointed as Academic Associate Dean of EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

“Her appointment as Academic Associate Dean reaffirms the confidence we have in her ability to continue contributing to EGADE in this leadership position. We are confident that, under her direction, we will continue to strengthen our academic excellence and our position as leaders in business education,” said Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School.

In addition to her roles as academic associate dean and program director at EGADE, Guerra Leal has been distinguished by her active participation in various academic and research initiatives within Tecnológico de Monterrey.

“As a member of the Thematic Area Research Group (GAT) of Social Innovation and Sustainability, member of the Tec Professor Classification Committee, and co-host of the institutional podcast Territorio Negocios, Guerra Leal has contributed significantly to the enrichment of our academic community,” highlighted the Dean. “Their recent recognition of her as a 2023 Inspirational Teacher reflects her positive impact and dedication to excellence.”

Guerra Leal has a Ph.D. in Administrative Sciences from EGADE Business School, a Master's in Communication specializing in Organizational Communication, and a Bachelor's in Marketing from Tec. She has a certification in Business Analytics from the University of Texas in San Antonio.


EGADE Professor is elected President of BALAS

Submitted by jose.paz on Tue, 02/06/2024 - 19:14

He will officially assume the role during the BALAS 2024 Annual Conference in Brazil, which will take place in June.


Ricardo Buitrago, research professor at the Department of Strategy and Leadership of EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey, was named President-Elect of the Business Association for Latin American Studies (BALAS).

The academic will officially assume this volunteer leadership role for two years during the BALAS 2024 Annual Conference, held from June 18 to 21 at FGV-EAESP in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“I am deeply honored to be appointed as BALAS President-Elect. I thank the executive committee and our current President, Urbi Garay, for trusting me with this important leadership role (...) As President-Elect and the eventual President, I aim to build upon the outstanding foundation laid by my predecessors. By further strengthening signature BALAS events, expanding our community outreach, and showcasing Latin America as a hub of world-class research, I truly believe we will unlock BALAS’ full potential impact,” Buitrago said via LinkedIn.

In addition to his current academic role, Buitrago is Executive Director of the Emerging Multinationals Research Network (EMRN) and an active member of organizations such as the Academy of International Business (AIB) and the IE-Scholars network.

He has held various leadership positions in Colombia and has been a visiting professor at numerous universities in Latin America.

His research on international political economy, institutions, strategy, and international business has been widely recognized and respected in academia.

He was president of the organizing committee of the BALAS Annual Conference in 2020 when it was held virtually, and in 2023, when EGADE Business School hosted the event in Mexico City.

Founded in 1989, BALAS is an academic association focused exclusively on business and economics in Latin America and the Caribbean, whose objective is to promote research and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of Latin American issues that affect the business environment of national and transnational companies.


EGADE Wins the 2024 AMBA & BGA Award for the Best CSR and Sustainability Initiative

Submitted by jose.paz on Tue, 01/23/2024 - 12:30

The accolade is awarded by the Association of MBAs and the Business Graduates Association.


EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey won the Best CSR and Sustainability Initiative prize in the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2024.

This award, conferred by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates Association (BGA), recognizes business schools with an outstanding commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, demonstrating a passion for generating a positive impact on communities and societies.

EGADE Business School was honored for its social impact strategy and EGADE Action Week initiative. This multidisciplinary event was first held in April 2023 in Monterrey, bringing together students, alumni, professors, collaborators, authorities, civil society organizations, and companies.

EGADE Action Week provided a space for dialogue and collaboration, with over 750 participants who enjoyed conferences, workshops, exhibitions and other activities focused on business transformation to achieve a sustainable impact, opening the school's doors to the wider community.

Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School, expressed his gratitude on receiving the award, highlighting the importance of the School’s social impact strategy: "This award recognizes the commitment of the entire EGADE Business School community to the construction of a fairer, more sustainable society. Our strategy is based on the conviction that business can contribute significantly to the progress of our countries as long as it is carried out in an ethical, innovative, and sustainable way. Our social impact strategy is structured around these three pillars, which will continue to inspire the deployment of our CSR and sustainability goals.”

EGADE Action Week will be consolidated as an annual tradition at EGADE Business School, focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals towards 2030 and seeking to extend the school’s social impact and community participation beyond the classroom while generating opportunities to learn and collaborate from various perspectives.

The Best CSR and Sustainability Initiative award was one of the eleven honors presented during the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2024 ceremony, held on January 19 in London, UK, bringing together more than 200 business school leaders.


Mexico 2024: EGADE and EGyTP Present an Economic and Political Outlook in Mexico City

Submitted by jose.paz on Fri, 01/19/2024 - 20:11

Everardo Elizondo, former deputy governor of the Bank of Mexico, estimates that this year the growth of the Mexican economy will be lower than in 2023.


EGADE Business School and the School of Government and Public Transformation (EGyTP) of Tecnológico de Monterrey presented the first “Mexico’s Economic and Political Outlook for 2024” forum in Mexico City.

At the event, which included a keynote and a panel, academic leaders and professors from both schools and experts from the financial and consulting sectors agreed that the Mexican economy did not grow as projected last year, while this year’s growth rate is not expected to exceed 2.2% due to the economic slowdown, elections, and the increase in illegal economic activities.

In his welcome message, Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School, stated that if the country continues to grow at an annual rate of approximately 2%, the average over the past three decades (1980-2020), “we are going to need 40 years to reach the level required, which would make Mexico more prosperous and more egalitarian.”

The Dean estimated that the environment of disruption and accelerated volatility in the economic and political spheres will continue to set the trend for 2024, especially since this is an electoral “super year” with elections being held in many countries and regions worldwide.

In a world of political polarization like the current one, public opinion is contaminated by fake news and disinformation seeking to destabilize the electoral processes,” said Arredondo. “We need to monitor how they develop closely and also envision the various possible scenarios.”


In his keynote “Contrasts in the Mexican economy at the close of the six-year presidential term,” Everardo Elizondo, former deputy governor of the Bank of Mexico and distinguished professor at EGADE Business School, estimated that Mexico’s economy will grow at a lower rate this year compared to last year, while bank interest rates are expected to drop to 9.5% by the first quarter of the year.

“The economy for 2024 will not change from what it is today; this is due to the impact of COVID-19, the lack of economic acceleration, and a lack of expectations. This is what causes the GDP per capita to stagnate despite population growth,” the economist said.  

Elizondo also joined the panel of experts, moderated by Miguel Ángel Santos, dean of the School of Government and Public Transformation, and with the participation of Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra and Jesús Silva Herzog-Márquez, EGyTP professors; Janneth Quiroz, director of Economic, Exchange and Stock Analysis at Grupo Financiero Monex; and Jorge Castilla, Managing Director of Accenture México.

Elizondo Mayer-Serra stressed the opportunity the next Mexican administration will have to rethink the energy agenda, given the fiscal pressures of Pemex and the need for clean energy and alternatives to address the security challenge.

Regarding GDP growth, Quiroz explained that the effects it will have on demand, consumption, and gross fixed investment have reached all-time highs.

“On the upside, there will be progress and an increased productive capacity in Mexico. On the downside, we have a foreseeable slowdown in the US caused by high interest rates, which will directly affect Mexico, as well as higher public spending that will have a favorable impact on this estimate,” said the EGADE Business School Master of Finance graduate.

For his part, Silva Herzog-Márquez referred to the threat to democracy by centralizing power and the importance of recovering plurality in legislatures.

Castilla affirmed that the near future holds the arrival of a profound manufacturing 4.0 related to supply chains, which will use the cloud and advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to achieve balance.

“The talent and education we enjoy in Mexico are the most important factors. Just 2% of the economically active population is conversant with computers and technology, which translates into one million 100 thousand people, and our country requires far more than that. This affords us a magnificent opportunity if we can achieve it,” the manager added.

The second “Mexico’s Economic and Political Outlook for 2024” forum will take place on January 25 at the Monterrey site of EGADE Business School, also with the participation of Horacio Arredondo, Miguel Ángel Santos, Everardo Elizondo and Jesús Silva Herzog-Márquez, as well as René Cabral, professor at EGADE Business School; Juan Pablo García, general director of CAINTRA; and Clelia Hernández, general director of the Nuevo León 4.0 initiative.


EGADE Student Wins 2024 Tec Woman Award

Submitted by jose.paz on Wed, 01/17/2024 - 10:07

EGADE MBA Santa Fe student stands out in arts and cultural management in the twelfth edition of this prize.


Thanks to her outstanding artwork with international projection, Xi (Monica) Chen, an EGADE MBA student, won the 2024 Tec Woman Award in the “Arts and Cultural Management” category.

The student from EGADE Business School, Santa Fe site, featured among the winners of the nine categories and two special distinctions in the twelfth edition of this prize announced yesterday.

Monica, of Chinese origin, who identifies as “half Asian and half Latina,” has resonated internationally thanks to her art portfolio "That's How I Talk to Myself," available in Chinese and Spanish, which brings together a selection of her paintings created between 2016 and 2022, and reflects her unique perspective on the life and aesthetics of Latin America, among other topics.

In addition, the prizewinner is renowned worldwide due to her nomination as a CAAN (Chinese Artists in America Network) guest artist, becoming the only representative who actively disseminates Mexican and Latin art in this prestigious organization.

The Tec Woman Award aims to recognize and highlight the stories, career paths, contributions, and talent of the women students, graduates, professors, collaborators, and directors of the institutions that comprise Tecnológico de Monterrey: Tec de Monterrey, Universidad Tecmilenio and TecSalud.

The 2024 Tec Woman Award award ceremony, this year called “Waking Up Changes Everything,” will take place on March 12 at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey.

The winners will receive the “Muliere Amet” or “defiant woman” trophy from the hands of the institution's leaders.


EGADE to host the Eduniversal World Convention 2024 in Guadalajara

Submitted by jose.paz on Wed, 01/17/2024 - 09:07

This annual event brings together educational leaders from the top business schools in the world.


EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey will host the Eduniversal World Convention 2024 in Guadalajara, Mexico.

This edition of the annual international event will be held from November 20 to 23, bringing together outstanding educational leaders from the top business schools in the world.

The announcement was made during the last Eduniversal convention, held in the Fiji Islands, where EGADE Business School was distinguished as the top business school in Mexico and Latin America for the sixteenth consecutive year.

Through a video, the Dean of EGADE Business School, Horacio Arredondo, extended an invitation to the global Eduniversal community, sharing the School’s pride in welcoming them to the EGADE Guadalajara site this year.

In addition, Martial Guiette, CEO of Eduniversal Group, affirmed that this year, the convention will reach its seventeenth edition and, for the second time in its history, will take place in Latin America.

Every year, the Eduniversal World Convention offers activities that promote collaboration among business schools and celebrate excellence and innovation in higher education.

The event also encompasses the traditional presentation of the Eduniversal Palmes of Excellence to each business school, according to their classification in five levels, and the Top 3 Awards for the best business schools in nine geographic regions.

Eduniversal is a global ranking agency specializing in business schools, evaluating institutions and programs in France since 1994 and internationally since 2007.


EGADE reaffirms its commitment as a PRME Champion for 2024-2025

Submitted by jose.paz on Wed, 01/17/2024 - 07:15

As a PRME Champion, EGADE contributes to thought and action leadership on responsible management education and the SDGs.


EGADE Business School of Tecnológico de Monterrey has reaffirmed its commitment to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative by being selected to participate in a new two-year cycle within the PRME Champions program.

In 2024-2025, EGADE Business School is the only school in Mexico and one of two in Latin America within the new cohort of 47 business schools worldwide that are part of the program.

In this way, EGADE Business School underscores its ongoing leadership in promoting business responsibility and sustainability in management education worldwide.

In a letter to the PRME Secretariat, Dean Horacio Arredondo of EGADE Business School expressed the school’s determination to engage actively in the programs of PRME Champions, which is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary.

"We uphold our commitment to the refreshed Seven Principles of PRME and assume the responsibility of implementing transformational actions to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our curricula, research, and collaborations. We are open to sharing our learnings and challenges within the PRME Champions cohort, while seeking to learn from others to consolidate the future of our institution and demonstrate the impact of our sustainability efforts," Arredondo stated.

The mission of the PRME Champions cohort is to contribute to thought and action leadership on responsible management education in the context of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Participation in this select group enables PRME signatories to stand out in the global responsible management education community, providing the opportunity to collaborate on innovative projects and serve as a sounding board for PRME, Global Compact, and the UN on timely issues.

As a PRME signatory, EGADE Business School forms part of a global network of institutions committed to developing future business leaders who are conscious of their impact on the world.  

Christiane Molina, professor from the Department of Strategy and Leadership at EGADE Business School, is a member of the PRME Global Chapter Council, whose purpose is to support the development and impact of the PRME Regional Chapters worldwide.

Founded in 2007, PRME has become the leading United Nations-supported platform in raising the profile of sustainability in business schools across the globe while drawing attention to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

For further information on PRME, visit:


