Business Territory: Coaching for Women Board Members

The podcast of EGADE Business School and the School of Business of Tecnológico de Monterrey is available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube Music.


Female leadership has become a vital issue in the Latin American business world, and coaching stands out as an essential tool for enhancing the development of women executives.

Episode 172 of the Business Territory podcast, "Coaching for Women Board Members," hosted by Eduardo Aguiñaga, National Director of Full-Time Programs at EGADE Business School, explores the impact of coaching on women in leadership positions. 

Only 13% of positions on the Board of Directors are held by women in Mexico. Guests Carlos Serrano, director of the Board of Directors Education program at EGADE Business School, and Geovana Ortega, president of the Mexico Chapter of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), analyzed how coaching, along with other strategies, can help reverse this situation and open up more spaces for female leadership.

Ortega emphasized that having more women in executive positions generates a transformation beyond the personal level and positively affects organizations and society. 

"Female leadership propels important changes in businesses and across the entire social structure. When a woman takes on a senior position, she is also opening the door for other women," Ortega commented.

The entrepreneur highlighted that coaching can help women build support networks, develop empathy and emotional intelligence skills, and strengthen self-confidence

Serrano then said that although studies show the benefits of female inclusion in senior management, such as a 16% increase in business profitability, women often face significant barriers.

"Despite progress, there is still a misperception that not enough women are qualified to hold executive positions. The problem isn't the lack of talent, but the structural barriers," Serrano explained.

He also stressed the importance of educating decision-makers in companies to overcome this perception, mentioning that coaching can be a powerful tool to prepare women in management skills, such as strategic decision-making and networking, to help them climb within organizations.

"Coaching allows women to improve their leadership skills and establish key connections that facilitate their rise in the organizational hierarchy," Serrano added.

Despite growing evidence supporting the inclusion of women in management teams, female representation in these roles is still low. Ortega attributes this to a mix of social, cultural, and business factors that have historically limited women's opportunities to advance in their careers.

"The cultural environment in Latin America still presents significant challenges for women seeking to reach positions of power. Coaching can be a fundamental tool to help them overcome these barriers," Ortega said.

Finally, both experts agreed that women bring a distinctive leadership style, particularly in the Latin American context. They pointed out that perseverance and a focus on teamwork are common characteristics among women leaders.

"Women often have an enormous capacity to create cohesive teams and maintain organizational stability," Ortegacommented.

You can listen to this and other Business Territory episodes on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube Music.

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