Pedro Carreón
Director of the MBA program at EGADE Business School in Monterrey and Guadalajara
"Each person in our lives represents an opportunity to build a better version of ourselves".

Pedro is passionate about higher business education, with a career of more than 25 years in public, private and non-profit institutions. This experience has given him a unique understanding of business and a comprehensive perspective of the world in which they operate, making it easier for leaders and organizations to thrive in their business ecosystem. At the beginning of his professional life, Pedro collaborated in the promotion of investment projects of foreign companies in our country. Through the Tecnológico de Monterrey, he has participated as a consultant in the Institute of Family Businesses, the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute, the Award for the Best Mexican Companies awarded jointly with Deloitte and Citibanamex, and Executive Education at EGADE Business School. His teaching and research activities focus on innovative entrepreneurship. His most recent publications address the creation of new companies and the growth aspirations of Mexican entrepreneurs, mainly based on data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project. Likewise, he actively participates in different national and international forums that promote the entrepreneurial mentality. He is currently a member of the Academic Senate of Tecnológico de Monterrey and Chapter Advisor of Beta Gamma Sigma.

He is currently the director of the MBA program at EGADE Business School in Monterrey and Guadalajara.

    • Ph.D. in Administrative Sciences
      EGADE Business School
    • Diploma of Advanced Studies in Business Organization
      Universidad Autonóma de Barcelona
    • Master of Research in the Economics of the Enterprise
      Universidad Autonóma de Barcelona
    • Master in International Studies
      Tecnológico de Monterrey
  1. Carreón-Gutiérrez, J.P.; Saiz-Álvarez, J.M. Product Newness, Low Competition, Recent Technology, and Export Orientation as Predictors for Entrepreneurial Growth Aspirations. Sustainability 2019, 11, 5818.
  2. Carreón-Gutiérrez, J.P.; Saiz-Álvarez, J.M. Opportunity Motivation and Growth Aspirations of Mexican Entrepreneurs: The Moderating Role of the Household Income. Sustainability 2019, 11, 6288.

Working Papers

  1. "The Internationalization of the Mexican family business", 2009
  2. "Tecnologico de Monterrey as Entrepreneurial University", 2009
  3. "The deployment of international economic development strategies by local governments," 2008
  4. "The business climate measuring systems in Mexico", 2008
  5. "Scientific research on Entrepreneurship", 2008
  6. "The phenomenon of non-central governments internationally active." Protocol Magazine, 2007
  7. "International relations as a development strategy: the case of Coahuila", Dissertation for the Master in International Studies, ITESM, 2007
  8. "Border Governor's diplomacy in the United States - Mexico relationship", 2006
  9. "Border Infrastructure Development: how the US and Mexico Respond to people needs", 2006
  10. "The economic performance of Uruguay in the nineties", 2005
  11. "Formulation of a strategic accountability system for FOMEC, A.C. (La Laguna Economic Development)", 2005