Hans Martin Lundberg
Strategy and Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management and Organizations
Profesor del Departamento de Estrategia y Liderazgo

With over 30 years of experience, his career combines research in entrepreneurship and innovation management with creating and transforming organizations in high-uncertainty and high-risk contexts. Before joining our institution, he was a Research Professor at Linnaeus University in Sweden, where he also held the positions of Director of Accreditation and Senior Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Hans was previously part of our academic community between 2008 and 2011, serving as a Research Professor and Director of the Master in Marketing program at the Estado de México Campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He has also been a Research Professor at Universidad Iberoamericana.

He has collaborated with international organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations on business development and education initiatives in emerging markets. His publications include academic articles, book chapters, and monographs on entrepreneurship, innovation, and organizational development. He was Vice President of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and founded its Entrepreneurship Interest Group. He has also led research projects that have had an impact on Latin America and Eastern Europe.

He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a specialization in Entrepreneurship from Växjö University (now Linnaeus University).


    Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, specialisation Entrepreneurship
    Växjö University, Sweden (Linnaeus University from 2010)

    Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Economics, specialisation Management Control
    Växjö University, Sweden (Linnaeus University from 2010)

    Degree of Bachelor of Arts (History)
    Växjö University, Sweden (Linnaeus University from 2010)

    Degree of University Diploma in Education for Upper Secondary School
    Växjö University, Sweden (Linnaeus University from 2010)

  • UDEM Adalberto Viesca Sada Award for the best Latin American scientific work on family business in 2022. Awarded by Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico. November 2022

  • Founder of the Strategic Interest Group in Entrepreneurship (SIG Entrepreneurship) of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). Awarded at the official ceremony of "European Academy of Management 20 Years." December 2020

  • Recognition for Outstanding Service to the European Academy of Management (EURAM) community as Vice President (2014-2017). Awarded at the 17th EURAM Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. June 2017

  • Best Family Business Thesis Award 2016. Awarded by The Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO), Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden. February 2017

  • Best Reviewer Award for the Strategic Interest Group in Entrepreneurship at the 13th European Academy of Management Conference in Istanbul, Turkey (selected among 250 reviewers). June 2013

  • Nomination for Best Reviewer at the 13th European Academy of Management Conference in Istanbul, Turkey (1 of 15 nominees among approximately 2,000 reviewers). June 2013

  • Grant for the project "InnoTracing: Capturing the Messiness of Innovation." Awarded by The Peter Pribilla Foundation, Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany, for securing 3rd place in their science contest. November 2012

  • Annual Videum Science Park Entrepreneurship Award for significant contributions to entrepreneurship research and practice. Awarded by Videum Science Park, Linnaeus University, Sweden. December 2011

  • Nomination for the European STEP Award for the paper "Everyday Practices as Organizing Context for Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Businesses." Presented at the 7th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Witten, Germany. May 2011


Most Recent (2020 – Present)


Book Chapters:

  • Next Generation (2024). In Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business, edited by A. Discua Cruz and C. Howorth. Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Business Groups Owned by Family and Sustainability Embeddedness: Understanding the Family Sustainability Spectrum (2022). Co-authored with M. Ramírez-Pasillas and U. A. Saari. In The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Family Business Groups, edited by M. Rautiainen et al. Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Radically Overperforming Women Entrepreneurs in Mexico City: Alimentos Para Todos as a High Impact Social Innovation Case (2022). In Research Handbook on Women's Entrepreneurship and Value Creation, edited by S. Yousafzai et al. Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Embedding, Empowering and Enlarging the Agency for Genuine Mexican Entrepreneurs (2021). Published by SESIRI.

  • Social Innovation in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries (2020). Co-authored with M. Ramírez-Pasillas and V. Ratten. In Social Innovation of New Ventures, edited by M. Ramírez-Pasillas, V. Ratten, and H. Lundberg. Routledge.

  • Integrating, Empowering, and Expanding the Scope of Genuine Mexican Entrepreneurs (2020). In Being an Entrepreneur in 21st-Century Mexico, edited by C. Bueno Castellanos. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

  • The Other Within as Entrepreneurial Agency for Subsistence Entrepreneurs (2020). Co-authored with M. Ramírez-Pasillas. In Entrepreneurship and the Community: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Creativity, Social Challenges, and Business, edited by V. Ratten. Springer.

  • Introduction (2020). Co-authored with M. M. Pellegrini, L. Gnan, L. Songini, M. Raith, and M. Starnawska. In European Entrepreneurship Research and Practice: A Multifaceted Effort Towards Integration of Different Perspectives, edited by M. M. Pellegrini et al. Information Age Publishing.


Journal Articles:

  • Next Generation External Venturing Practices in Family Owned Businesses (2021). Co-authored with M. Ramírez-Pasillas and M. Nordqvist. Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), 63–103.

  • A Conceptual Framework for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Mexico (2020). Entretextos, 11(33), 20–37.