Since obtaining his Ph.D. in strategy and entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado in 2001, Boyd Cohen focused on accelerating the path to a low-carbon sustainable economy for the past two decades. This included publishing three books (Post-Capitalist Entrepreneurship: Startups for the 99%, The Emergence of the Urban Entrepreneur, and Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate Change), multiple peer-reviewed articles, and starting a handful of ventures in the smart cities and sustainability arena. Boyd’s writings and thought leadership have been published in Fast Company, CoinDesk, and numerous smart cities publications. At the same time, the Smart Cities Wheel has been leveraged by governments around the globe to benchmark, rank, and strategize their path to a net zero future. His previous academic posts have been at IE (Spain), University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University (Canada), INCAE (Costa Rica), Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile), and EADA Business School (Spain), where he was Dean of Research. Boyd holds an International Fellow from Hult International Business School in the Future’s Impact Lab. He is finishing his fourth book (Abundance Capitalism), and is on the Board of Iomob, a Web2 and Web3 software startup he cofounded in smart mobility.