Luis Alfredo Hernández

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:57

Professor Hernández Aramburo specializes in consulting in energy, financial innovation, portfolio management, risk management, and corporate funding.

Amongst Professor Hernandez’s professional activities are the leadership of Var Financiero, consulting in risk management, and balance management. He was also the Director of Funding and Risk Management of Global Markets at HSBC Mexico. He served in global banking as a Relationship Executive in Energy. He has served as vice president of structured finance at Citigroup in New York and sub-director of treasury and debt markets at Banamex. In the public sector, he has worked in the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit in the Direction of Financial Planning and the Office of Advisors of the Secretariat of Foreign Relations.

Professor Hernández has performed placements and operations with derived instruments for companies such as Pemex, CFE, Cemex, Banamex, Amovil, DaimlerChrysler, Compartamos, Aeromexico, Ferromex, and different municipalities. Several of these transactions have been acknowledged as deals of the year by the specialized press. 

In addition to his teaching activities at EGADE Business School, Professor Hernández has been a guest researcher at Bundesbank in Germany in Frankfurt.

He is also an Independent Advisor at CFE EPS I, an Independent Advisor Capitalization and Investment Fund of the Rural Sector, CKD EXI2, Chair of the Risk Committee of the Trust for Mining Promotion, and a member of the Board of the International Society for Mexico Energy (ISME).

+52 (55) 9177 8364
Bio subtitle
"Academic rigor, empirical relevance, and social commitment are the basis of the structure of our teaching commitment".
Professor at the Department of Finance and Business Economics
  • Fulbright Scholarship
  • Honorable Mention. Premio Banamex de Economía.
  • Honorable Mention. Fundación Universidad de las Amércias Puebla
  • Ph.D. in Economics
    UCLA University of California, Los Angeles
  • Master in Economics
    UCLA University of California, Los Angeles 

José Ernesto Amorós

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:56

Dr. Amorós Espinosa is Associate Dean of the Faculty of EGADE Business School and Leader of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation with Impact Research Group of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Business School.

In pursuit of both the interpretation and popularization research work, Dr. Amorós has written more than 40 academic articles which have been published in major international magazines, such as Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, the Journal of Small Business Management, Technovation, the Journal of Business Research, the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal and Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, amongst others. In addition, he is associate editor of the Journal of Business Venturing Insights and of the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.  He is also co-author of more than 30 monographs on entrepreneurial dynamics, some in cooperation with key institutions such as the World Economic Forum. In addition, he is a member of the SNI (Sistema National de Invetigadores), Level I, Conacyt and National System of Researchers of a visiting professor in several Latin American and European universities.

Dr. Amorós has been a member of the Board of Directors of GEM Global and is part of the research committee of the same project. In his work within the GEM project, he has participated in the evaluation of pro-entrepreneurship public policies in a range of countries. He is Vice-President of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, and member of the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the Academy of International Business and the International Council of Small Business.

He was Professor and Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the Universidad Del Desarrollo (Chile), researcher at the Entrepreneurship Center of the Adolfo Ibáñez Business School (Chile) and has been guest researcher at the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER) and projects associated with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank. 

Dr. Amorós also held the position of Director of the business administration degree and coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Program at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, San Luis Campus.

+ 52 (55) 9177 8000 ext. 7997
Bio subtitle
"Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation for local development".
  • Ph.D. in Management Sciences
    ESADE Business School, Universitat Roman Llull, Spain
  • Master in Marketing
    Tecnológico de Monterrey 

Félix Cárdenas

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:03

Félix Cárdenas is a Professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation at EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, where he was Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He has also been a researcher and affiliate professor at Harvard University, the University of Columbia, IESE, and the University of Texas at Austin. 

He is a co-author of books such as “Comprar un Empresa Exitosa? El Search Fund como Modelo de Emprendimiento, y Open Innovation: Academic and Practical Perspectives on the Journey from Idea to Market, Oxford University Press. His research work has been presented at international congresses in San Francisco, Boston, Nueva York (USA), Geneva, Zurich (Switzerland), Istanbul (Turkey), and Nice (France).

He develops corporate venture capital strategies with corporates, impacting growth and profitability. He has been an advisor and has conducted research for companies such as Cisco, Nokia, Alcan, Logitech, General Electric, Cemex, FEMSA, Credit Suisse, Proeza, Heineken, and Nestle. 

Professor Cárdenas is a partner of the fund InnovaCamp Ventures. He was a partner at Vento Capital and director of greenTEK ventures in Switzerland. His research interests include private capital, entrepreneurial capital, innovation ecosystems, competitive strategy, innovation management, corporate entrepreneurship, value creation, and technology transfer. 

+52 (81) 8625 6183
Bio subtitle
"If the wind changes, adjust the sails. If the wind stops blowing, row; one way or another, we shall reach our destination".
Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation
  • Research Fellowship Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 
  • Research Fellowship National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt)
  • Ph.D. in Economics
    HEC University of Lousanne
  • MBA
    EGADE Business School
  • Master in International Business
    Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration


Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:17

The broad teaching and research career of Professor Rajagopal has developed in the fields of marketing strategy, consumer behavior, technology and innovation management, international business management, service marketing, management of new products and brand management. His academic excellence has been acknowledged by the Government of Mexico for the premier executive program in innovation, technology, and competitivity, as well as for his top-level research.

He is a member of multiple international research associations, such as the Royal Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce (United Kingdom), the Chartered Management Institute, Institute of Operations Management, Academy of Marketing Science, Association of Consumer Research, the Latin American Chapter of the Business and Economics Society International, Marketing Science Institute, (USA), and the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (India). He is also a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), Level III, Conacyt.

Professor Rajagopal has been part of the editorial board or the management of several journals such as Emerald Emerging Marketing Case Studies, International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, International Journal of Business Competition and Growth, International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management, Indore Management Journal, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Innovative Marketing, Journal of Tourism, and the Journal of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership.

In addition to his teaching activities at EGADE Business School, Professor Rajagopal serves as a professor at Metropolitan College of the University of Boston (USA). He has also been a professor in several Indian institutions such as the College of India and the National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, where he served as the Academic Director, the Institute of Rural Management, and the National Institute of Rural Development, where he was Assistant Director. Additionally, he taught courses and programs at the Indian Institute of Management, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Vigyana Jyoti Institute of Management, Institute of Public Enterprise and the International Management Institute.

+52 (55) 5483 2221
Bio subtitle
"Continuous learning and hard work contribute to success".
Professor at the Department of Marketing and Business Intelligence
  • Awarded UK-Mexico Visiting Chair 2016-17 for collaborative research with University of Sheffield, UK, instituted by the Consortium of Higher Education Institutes of Mexico and UK.
  • Awarded for best course design and development on Innovation, Technology, and Market Competitiveness for executive education by the Vice Rector, Extension Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, NL in September, 2015.
  • Conferred the highest recognition of National Researcher- Level 3 in the area of Social Sciences by the National Council of Science and Technology, Government of Mexico (2013-22).
  • Innovative Teaching Award 2011, VI Congress of Innovative Education, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Monterrey, December 7-9, 2011
  • Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence 2009: Highly commended paper “Measuring brand performance through metrics applications”, published in Measuring Business Excellence, 12 (1), 2008, 29-38
  • Conferred the honor of “Fellow” of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce, London, w. e. f.  September 20, 2006, Elected as Life Fellow Since May 10, 2016
  • Pravasi Bhartiya Samman Award 2023
  • Ph.D. in Marketing
    Ravishankar University, India
  • Master of Arts in Economics
    Ravishankar University, India