José Manuel Maraboto

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:03

Professor Quepons has a 29-year professional career at Tecnológico de Monterrey, during which he has served as Director of the administrative department, a Program Director, and a Professor at the EGADE Business School, Monterrey site.

He is the Director of the Department of Strategy and Leadership at EGADE Business School. He was the Founding Director of the Master in Business Management at EGADE Business School and the National Coordinator of the Academy of Business Management of ITESM System, overseeing the design of the 2011 syllabus for the Bachelor in Business Management. Since 2007, he has been a visiting professor at the American University of Managua (UAM), Managua, Nicaragua, teaching strategic planning in the Master in Administration program at UAM-ITESM.

Professor Maraboto has broad experience in the areas of executive education and consulting, both in Mexico and abroad, teaching programs for companies such as Grupo ALFA, Cervecería Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma, General Motors Mexico, GRUMA, Realty World México, Grupo FEMSA, Mexican Hotel Association of Nuevo León, Grupo Prisma, Grupo Rebasa, Grupo Senda, Grupo Tigo (El Salvador, C.A.), Grupo Soriana, Seven Eleven, Hotel “El Panamá” (Panamá, C.A.); Volkswagen Mexico, Roche Laboratories, amongst others. In 2007, he was awarded the “Award for Teaching and Research Work.” In 2013, he was granted the Award “ERSKINE & LEENDERS” for the best-written case by the Latin American Association of Cases (ALAC, by its acronym in Spanish).

His research interests include social entrepreneurship, corporate innovation, service management, and negotiation strategies.

+52(81) 8625 6000 Ext. 6166
Bio subtitle
"Committed to academic excellence and passionate about research".
Director at the Department of Strategy and Leadership
  • 2007 Teaching and Research Labor Award (Tecnológico de monterrey, Campus Monterrey 
  • 2013 awarded the “Erskine & Leenders” prize for the best case study awarded by the Asociación Latinoamericana de Casos (ALAC).
  • Doctor Cum Laude in Philosophy
    University of Cantabria in Santander
  • MBA
    Tecnológico de Monterrey

Daniel Maranto

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:03

Daniel Maranto Vargas’s teaching and research cover the fields of strategic planning, managerial skills, management of services, and sustainability.

Professor Maranto began his teaching career in 1987. He is currently a professor of the Department of Strategy and Leadership. 

On the San Luis Potosi campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey, he served as Director of Business Administration, International Business, Business Organization, and the Master in Administration. At EGADE, he was the Director of the Master’s in Administration and the academic department of Administration and Operations and Director of the EGADE Monterrey site.

He has participated in consulting projects both for the private and public sectors. 

Professor Maranto began his career in 1986 in the finance sector as a Credit Analyst and Promotion Officer.  

+ 52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6164
Bio subtitle
"My passion: my students, my classroom".
Professor of the Department of Strategy and Leadership
  • Honorable Mention, Monterrey Campus Prize for the development of Course Redesign Projects, 2003, Graduate School of Administration and Company Leadership. Rectorship of the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. 2003. 
  • Acknowledgement for membership of the teaching team of Integration Seminar, recognised by students as the best graduate administration program in the period August-December 2002. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Rectory of the Vitual University. 2003.
  • Certification in the Redesign of Teaching Practice, Level “A”. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey campus. 2002
  • Ph.D. in Management Science
    Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master in Management Science
    Tecnológico de Monterrey