Carlos Vargas

Submitted by egade on Tue, 10/15/2019 - 15:19

Carlos Vargas a finance scholar and researcher who is currently on his way to acquiring his Ph.D. in Banking and Finance on behalf of the University of Zurich.

With more than ten years of experience working with multinational companies, his expertise revolves around topics such as financial analysis, sustainable finance, business planning, renewable energy, and project financing. He has written financial editorials for influential newspapers in Mexico, such as El Financiero and El Economista, and has been invited to teach courses at several universities in Latin America, the United States, and Europe.

Not only is he a part of the faculty at EGADE Business School, but he is also a professor of Sustainable Finance and Impact Investments at the Harvard Extension School.

Bio subtitle
"We are the change".
  • oikos PhD Fellowship (2017)
  • MLA Sustainability and Environmental Management
    Harvard University
  • MBA Master in Business Administration

Luis Alfredo Hernández

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:57

Professor Hernández Aramburo specializes in consulting in energy, financial innovation, portfolio management, risk management, and corporate funding.

Amongst Professor Hernandez’s professional activities are the leadership of Var Financiero, consulting in risk management, and balance management. He was also the Director of Funding and Risk Management of Global Markets at HSBC Mexico. He served in global banking as a Relationship Executive in Energy. He has served as vice president of structured finance at Citigroup in New York and sub-director of treasury and debt markets at Banamex. In the public sector, he has worked in the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit in the Direction of Financial Planning and the Office of Advisors of the Secretariat of Foreign Relations.

Professor Hernández has performed placements and operations with derived instruments for companies such as Pemex, CFE, Cemex, Banamex, Amovil, DaimlerChrysler, Compartamos, Aeromexico, Ferromex, and different municipalities. Several of these transactions have been acknowledged as deals of the year by the specialized press. 

In addition to his teaching activities at EGADE Business School, Professor Hernández has been a guest researcher at Bundesbank in Germany in Frankfurt.

He is also an Independent Advisor at CFE EPS I, an Independent Advisor Capitalization and Investment Fund of the Rural Sector, CKD EXI2, Chair of the Risk Committee of the Trust for Mining Promotion, and a member of the Board of the International Society for Mexico Energy (ISME).

+52 (55) 9177 8364
Bio subtitle
"Academic rigor, empirical relevance, and social commitment are the basis of the structure of our teaching commitment".
Professor at the Department of Finance and Business Economics
  • Fulbright Scholarship
  • Honorable Mention. Premio Banamex de Economía.
  • Honorable Mention. Fundación Universidad de las Amércias Puebla
  • Ph.D. in Economics
    UCLA University of California, Los Angeles
  • Master in Economics
    UCLA University of California, Los Angeles 

Carlos Serrano

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:43

Professor Serrano Salazar is an expert in consulting and executive education in the areas of family-owned companies, corporate governance, company valuation, and business models. He has specialized in particular in the preparation of family protocol and the design and operation of boards of directors.

His professional experience also includes the development of business models for growth and innovation focused companies. In addition, he has assessed more than one hundred business plans with a range of aims such as securing risk capital or entrepreneurship prizes. He also carries out consulting in the field of business strategy.

Professor Serrano serves as independent director and president of the board of directors of industrial groups, retailers, and service companies. He is a member of the Financial Management Association and the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives. Additionally, he served as the National Director of Executive Education of EGADE Business School (2013-2015). 

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6390
Bio subtitle
"Passionate about government and company management and the management of the relationship between a family and their business".
Director of the Development of Board Directors Program
  • Ph.D. in Business Management
    Tecnológico de Monterrey and The University of Wisonsin-Madison
  • Master in International Business
    American Graduate School of International Management
  • MBA
    University of Wisconsin-Madison

Iván Adolfo Valdovinos

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:24

Dr. Valdovinos Hernández focuses his research efforts and teaching on financial accounting, administrative accounting, administrative control, analysis and interpretation of accounting and financial information systems, evaluation of projects, and corporate finance. He has taught sessions and lectures internationally on these areas in the United States and Italy and has also been a visiting professor at the University of San Diego (USA).

He is a member of several professional associations, such as Arrendamás, where he has served as Chairman of the Audit Committee from 2014. He is also a member of the Commission of Professional Research of the Accountants College of Guadalajara since 2011.

On a corporate level, Dr. Valdovinos has worked as an auditor and consultant in various organizations such as Deloitte & Touche, Vallarta Plus, and Programa de Beneficio Jalisco, where he examined the design and evaluation of the predictive services model. 

+52 (33) 36693000 ext. 3718
Director of the MBA Fly-in Programs
  • Member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Arrendamás, a financial organization in Guadalajara. 
  • Best thesis in the business field, 41st Congress of Research and Development, Tecnológico de Monterrey titled: The Role of Subsidiaries in Control System Design: A Case Based Analysis
  • Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance
    Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
  • Master in Finance
    Tecnológico de Monterrey

Federico Trigos

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:56

Dr. Trigos Salazar is is a Research Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business Intelligence at EGADE Business School and Leader of the Thematic Area Research Group (GAT) in Transdisciplinary Analysis of Value Chains and Global Opportunities at the Business School of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Dr. Trigos Salazar has published broadly on areas related to the sustainable use of quantitative tools to maximize corporate performance. His research interests range from business analytics, industrial and corporate statistics, simulation and math programming, to economic engineering, corporate finance, and investments. He is a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level 1, Conacyt, and he is also a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. 

In the corporate field, he served as Director of Organizational Engineering and Director of Development of the Organization Gates Rubber Mexico, where his team qualified for the final stage of Charles C. Gates award; a major international award for teamwork and best practice. Professor Trigos has also acted as a consultant for companies including Aventis Pharma, Interjet, and Banco Azteca.

In addition to his teaching activity at EGADE Business School, Professor Trigos has held several managerial roles at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Director of Research and Graduate Programs, Director of the Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering, Director of the Masters in Industrial Engineering, and Director of the international bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering. He has also been the academic advisor for student teams that have obtained first and third places in the International Software Simulation Competition organized by the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and the Rockwell Software. 

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6169
Bio subtitle
"There is abundant knowledge but there is a lack of skills to apply that knowledge".
  • SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level 1, Conacyt
  • Mexican Academy of Sciences
  • MIT International Faculty Fellow
  • Best class average: December 2013
  • Best class average: June 1988 
  • Best class average:  December 1986
  • Ph.D.
    Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Master in Finance
    EGADE Business School
  • M.Sc.  In Industrial Engineering
    Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Master in Engineering with major in Operations Research
    Tecnológico de Monterrey

Jorge Enrique Velarde

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:53

Dr. Velarde is a Research Professor at the Department of Finance and Business Economics at EGADE Business School. His fields of teaching and research include macroeconomics and microeconomics, corporate finance, bond markets, and capital markets. He has published on various economic and financial themes, including various papers on the valuation of public companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange and case studies at a national and international level, including “México:¿Se hubiera podido prevenir la crisis de 1994?” and “Selling? That is easy".

In the corporate world, he has worked as an analyst at Vector Casa de Bolsa and as Deputy Director of Economic and Financial Studies at GBM Grupo Bursátil Mexicano. In the public sector, at the federal level, he was a member of the group of economic advisors of the Ministry of Economy. He has also been an economic and financial advisor to private companies and has participated as a mentor and consultant in company incubators and accelerators.

Dr. Velarde also belongs to several academic and professional associations, including the American Academy of Financial Management, the Association of Economists of Nuevo Leon, and the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives.

Dr. Velarde was Director of Academic Programs and Director of the Department of Finance and Business Economics of EGADE Business School, Director of the Enlace E+E: Emprendedores de Alto Valor program, as well as Director of the Business Park: Innovation for the Corporate Services at the Santa Fe Campus and Director of the Center of Business and Financial Consulting and Research on the Guadalajara Campus.

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6071
Professor at the Department of Finance and Business Economics
  • Ph.D. in Business Administration
    EGADE Business School and University of Texas at Austin
  • MBA
    Tecnológico de Monterrey

Miguel Moreno

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:17

Dr. Moreno Tripp has specialized knowledge in the field of finance research in topics such as risk management, valuation, banking, and loans due to his extensive professional experience in the financial sector.

Dr. Moreno has held the position of CEO and CFO for Serfin International Bank & Trust / Serfin Securities, as well as other C-level positions at the same institution. He has also worked for Valmex (Valores Mexicanos Casa de Bolsa) as Assistant Director and Financial Engineering Manager.

Dr. Moreno is currently the Director of EGADE Business School’s OneMBA program and has previously held the same position for the Global MBA program delivered by Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Virtual University, a program taught in collaboration with the Thunderbird School of Global Management. He has also been a member of the editorial board for El Norte newspaper.

+52 (81) 8625 6000 Ext. 6013
  • Ph.D. in Finance
    Tulane University
  • Master in Management and Finance
    Tulane University
  • Master in Business Management
    IPADE Business School