Horacio Arredondo

Submitted by jose.paz on Thu, 06/09/2022 - 11:51

Horacio Arredondo is Dean of EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Also, Horacio is an advisor and director of companies, with experience in various industries and countries in Latin America, both in the Private Sector, Public Sector, and NGOs.

At the academic level, Horacio teaches courses in Strategy and Organizational Alignment. His research interests focus on Family Business, particularly the intersection between Strategy and Socioemotional Wealth.

Previously, Horacio was Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Executive Development at the Business School of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), Santiago de Chile. As well as the Executive Director of the Center for Family Businesses of UAI and a Professor in Strategy and General Management in the same house of studies.

Horacio is a Public Accountant from the University of the Republic of Uruguay specializing in Corporate Finance. He has an MBA from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, a master's degree in Research Methodologies for Science, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration, both from IE Business School.


Best Innovation & Entrepreneurship Award - FERC Conference 2018 - The Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) - (Guadalajara, Mexico – May 2018)


Doctor in Business Administration (DBA)
IE Business School, IE University, España


Master in Research Methodology in Management Science
IE Business School, IE University, España


Escuela de Negocios Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile


Specialization in Finance
Universidad de la República, Uruguay


Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Google Scholar

Carlos Serrano

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:43

Professor Serrano Salazar is an expert in consulting and executive education in the areas of family-owned companies, corporate governance, company valuation, and business models. He has specialized in particular in the preparation of family protocol and the design and operation of boards of directors.

His professional experience also includes the development of business models for growth and innovation focused companies. In addition, he has assessed more than one hundred business plans with a range of aims such as securing risk capital or entrepreneurship prizes. He also carries out consulting in the field of business strategy.

Professor Serrano serves as independent director and president of the board of directors of industrial groups, retailers, and service companies. He is a member of the Financial Management Association and the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives. Additionally, he served as the National Director of Executive Education of EGADE Business School (2013-2015). 

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6390
Bio subtitle
"Passionate about government and company management and the management of the relationship between a family and their business".
Director of the Development of Board Directors Program
  • Ph.D. in Business Management
    Tecnológico de Monterrey and The University of Wisonsin-Madison
  • Master in International Business
    American Graduate School of International Management
  • MBA
    University of Wisconsin-Madison