Business Territory: Automating Routine Tasks with AI

The podcast of EGADE Business School and the School of Business of Tecnológico de Monterrey is available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts and YouTube Music.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining how companies operate, transforming everyday processes and tackling complex challenges that used to require human intervention.

Episode 170 of the Business Territory podcast, “Automating Routine Tasks with AI,” hosted by Eva Guerra, associate academic dean of EGADE Business School, discussed the first steps to implement AI in companies and how leaders can foster successful human-machine collaboration.

Guests Christopher Sánchez, CEO of Emergent Line and Artificial Intelligence professor at EGADE Business School, and Ángela Gómez Aiza, CEO and co-founder of SOS-TechIA-bility, shared their knowledge and experiences.

Sánchez highlighted that AI has broadened its reach, allowing companies to optimize everything from analytics to creativity, profoundly transforming their operations.

“The possible and the impossible is changing daily,” he said.

He also explained that we are barely in the first steps towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a technology that could efficiently and tirelessly perform human tasks.

For her part, Gómez Aiza emphasized that AI is accelerating business transformation, improving decision-making, and creating new customer experiences.

She mentioned the case of Mercado Libre, which uses AI to audit millions of products at events such as Buen Fin, ensuring price transparency and reliability.

Gómez Aiza recommended that companies focus AI on the most critical business challenges that can truly benefit from automation.

She also highlighted the importance of adequately selecting AI tools and collaborating with experts in the implementation process.

Sánchez addressed workers' fear of being replaced by AI, emphasizing that it is more important to learn to work with this technology to enhance human capabilities.

The episode concluded with a call to companies to explore and adopt AI confidently and with the proper guidance, capitalizing on its potential to transform businesses and improve operational efficiency.

You can listen to this and other Business Territory episodes on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts and YouTube Music.

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