Héctor Shibata Salazar

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School.

Héctor Shibata is the Investment Director of AC Ventures, a Corporate Venture Capital Fund, where he is responsible for leading the investment processes and managing the portfolio. Also, Hector is an adjunct professor at the EGADE Business School at the Monterrey Tech for Entrepreneurial Finance. Prior to this, Hector participated in a Fintech Startup. In addition, Héctor held previous positions in Private Equity and in Corporate and Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Héctor graduated from the MBA of NYU Stern and Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Tech in Mexico with honors.

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School.

Héctor Shibata is the Investment Director of AC Ventures, a Corporate Venture Capital Fund, where he is responsible for leading the investment processes and managing the portfolio. Also, Hector is an adjunct professor at the EGADE Business School at the Monterrey Tech for Entrepreneurial Finance. Prior to this, Hector participated in a Fintech Startup. In addition, Héctor held previous positions in Private Equity and in Corporate and Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Héctor graduated from the MBA of NYU Stern and Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Tech in Mexico with honors.


How to Be a Champion at Capital Raising

| Jul 20, 2020
Javier Reynoso

Javier Reynoso

Profesor Investidador de EGADE Business School del Tecnológico de Monterrey

El Dr. Javier Reynoso es investigador, consultor y promotor de actividades docentes en el campo de la administración de servicios en México y América Latina. Ha presentado sus trabajos en las conferencias internacionales más importantes de la administración de servicios en Europa, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia, Singapur, Taiwan y China. Ha representado a México como investigador asociado en el International Service Study, así como en el proyecto de investigación Service Management at the Base of the Pyramid. Sus contribuciones en el área de servicios han sido publicadas en libros y journals en Estados Unidos, Europa y China. Es miembro del consejo editorial y Research Review Editor de la revista Journal of Service Management, y miembro del consejo editorial del Journal of Service Research (EE.UU), de la Revista Forum Empresarial (Puerto Rico) y del Journal of Management Research (EE.UU). Asimismo, es coautor de Administración de Servicios, el primer libro de texto publicado en español en la materia. El Dr. Reynoso ha sido profesor visitante en las Universidades de Tampa, San Diego, South Florida y Arizona State (EE.UU), Cambridge y Exeter (Reino Unido), Karlstad y Estocolmo (Suecia), Swedish School of Economics (Finlandia), Carlos III e Instituto de Empresa (España), INCAE (Costa Rica), Auckland (Nueva Zelanda), Monash (Australia), Meiji (Japón), Fudan y Peki (China). Ha sido miembro de la Service Operations Management Association, la International Academy of Services y es miembro fundador de la Academia Latinoamericana de Académicos del Marketing. También lanzó la iniciativa de la Academia Latinoamericana de Administración de Servicios. Ha diseñado y coordinado el programa de posgrado de Especialidad en Administración de Servicios de la Escuela y el Certificado de Concentración Profesional en Administración de Servicios del Campus Monterrey.

Javier Reynoso

Javier Reynoso

Profesor Investidador de EGADE Business School del Tecnológico de Monterrey

El Dr. Javier Reynoso es investigador, consultor y promotor de actividades docentes en el campo de la administración de servicios en México y América Latina. Ha presentado sus trabajos en las conferencias internacionales más importantes de la administración de servicios en Europa, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia, Singapur, Taiwan y China. Ha representado a México como investigador asociado en el International Service Study, así como en el proyecto de investigación Service Management at the Base of the Pyramid. Sus contribuciones en el área de servicios han sido publicadas en libros y journals en Estados Unidos, Europa y China. Es miembro del consejo editorial y Research Review Editor de la revista Journal of Service Management, y miembro del consejo editorial del Journal of Service Research (EE.UU), de la Revista Forum Empresarial (Puerto Rico) y del Journal of Management Research (EE.UU). Asimismo, es coautor de Administración de Servicios, el primer libro de texto publicado en español en la materia. El Dr. Reynoso ha sido profesor visitante en las Universidades de Tampa, San Diego, South Florida y Arizona State (EE.UU), Cambridge y Exeter (Reino Unido), Karlstad y Estocolmo (Suecia), Swedish School of Economics (Finlandia), Carlos III e Instituto de Empresa (España), INCAE (Costa Rica), Auckland (Nueva Zelanda), Monash (Australia), Meiji (Japón), Fudan y Peki (China). Ha sido miembro de la Service Operations Management Association, la International Academy of Services y es miembro fundador de la Academia Latinoamericana de Académicos del Marketing. También lanzó la iniciativa de la Academia Latinoamericana de Administración de Servicios. Ha diseñado y coordinado el programa de posgrado de Especialidad en Administración de Servicios de la Escuela y el Certificado de Concentración Profesional en Administración de Servicios del Campus Monterrey.


My Journey to BoP Service Research: Expanding the Horizons of our Research Community

| Jul 20, 2020
Laura Zapata

Laura Zapata


Professor Zapata Cantu’s research interests are focused on management and strategic planning in SMEs, the impact of information technology in the human resources area, knowledge management, and organizational learning. In addition to having participated in national and international congresses, her research has been published in indexed journals, such as the International Journal of Manpower, European Journal of International Management, the Journal of Knowledge Management, the Journal of Studies on Administration, University of Chile and Rio’s International Journal on Sciences of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management. In 2008, she received Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Award for teaching and research in the Department of Administration and Finance. Professor Zapata has been Academic Associate Dean at EGADE Business School, MBA Director in Monterrey, Director of the International Liaison Office in Barcelona of Tecnológico de Monterrey, and she has been a visiting professor in numerous universities such as the Postgraduate University Institute of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Alicante and University Carlos III (Spain) and ICN Business School (France). Dr. Zapata has been a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Conacyt since 2006 and was made a Level 2 researcher in January 2017. 

Laura Zapata

Laura Zapata


Professor Zapata Cantu’s research interests are focused on management and strategic planning in SMEs, the impact of information technology in the human resources area, knowledge management, and organizational learning. In addition to having participated in national and international congresses, her research has been published in indexed journals, such as the International Journal of Manpower, European Journal of International Management, the Journal of Knowledge Management, the Journal of Studies on Administration, University of Chile and Rio’s International Journal on Sciences of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management. In 2008, she received Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Award for teaching and research in the Department of Administration and Finance. Professor Zapata has been Academic Associate Dean at EGADE Business School, MBA Director in Monterrey, Director of the International Liaison Office in Barcelona of Tecnológico de Monterrey, and she has been a visiting professor in numerous universities such as the Postgraduate University Institute of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Alicante and University Carlos III (Spain) and ICN Business School (France). Dr. Zapata has been a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Conacyt since 2006 and was made a Level 2 researcher in January 2017. 


The alternative learning boom

| Jul 6, 2020
Alicia Fernanda Galindo Manrique

Alicia Fernanda Galindo Manrique

Profesora de Cátedra de EGADE Business School

Profesora de cátedra del ITESM Campus Monterrey en las materias de Evaluación de Proyectos y Fuentes de Financiamiento y Análisis de Información Financiera. Participa también como catedrática en la EGADE en la materia Fundamentos Analíticos para los Negocios, impartiendo el módulo de Contabilidad y Finanzas a nivel maestría en la EGADE, Business School. Trabajó en el Área de Gestión de Proyectos Estratégicos del Tecnológico de Monterrey, así como en el Área de Administración de Fondos y fungió como Directora Administrativa de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Participó en el 4to Congreso Internacional de Investigación de Escuelas y Facultades de Negocio en donde obtuvo el premio a mejor ponencia de la mesa Contaduría y Finanzas 2018. Actualmente está estudiando el Doctorado en Contaduría con enfoque en Finanzas y Mercados en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Participó como autora en el libro “Prácticas educativas innovadoras en Contabilidad y Finanzas” contribuyendo en un capítulo. Así mismo ha publicado en revistas académicas como Vinculatégica, InnOvaciOnes de NegOciOs y la columna de opinión en negocios del Financiero. 

Alicia Fernanda Galindo Manrique

Alicia Fernanda Galindo Manrique

Profesora de Cátedra de EGADE Business School

Profesora de cátedra del ITESM Campus Monterrey en las materias de Evaluación de Proyectos y Fuentes de Financiamiento y Análisis de Información Financiera. Participa también como catedrática en la EGADE en la materia Fundamentos Analíticos para los Negocios, impartiendo el módulo de Contabilidad y Finanzas a nivel maestría en la EGADE, Business School. Trabajó en el Área de Gestión de Proyectos Estratégicos del Tecnológico de Monterrey, así como en el Área de Administración de Fondos y fungió como Directora Administrativa de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Participó en el 4to Congreso Internacional de Investigación de Escuelas y Facultades de Negocio en donde obtuvo el premio a mejor ponencia de la mesa Contaduría y Finanzas 2018. Actualmente está estudiando el Doctorado en Contaduría con enfoque en Finanzas y Mercados en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Participó como autora en el libro “Prácticas educativas innovadoras en Contabilidad y Finanzas” contribuyendo en un capítulo. Así mismo ha publicado en revistas académicas como Vinculatégica, InnOvaciOnes de NegOciOs y la columna de opinión en negocios del Financiero. 


Crypto-Refuge or the New Market Reality

| Jul 3, 2020
Héctor Shibata Salazar

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School.

Héctor Shibata is the Investment Director of AC Ventures, a Corporate Venture Capital Fund, where he is responsible for leading the investment processes and managing the portfolio. Also, Hector is an adjunct professor at the EGADE Business School at the Monterrey Tech for Entrepreneurial Finance. Prior to this, Hector participated in a Fintech Startup. In addition, Héctor held previous positions in Private Equity and in Corporate and Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Héctor graduated from the MBA of NYU Stern and Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Tech in Mexico with honors.

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School.

Héctor Shibata is the Investment Director of AC Ventures, a Corporate Venture Capital Fund, where he is responsible for leading the investment processes and managing the portfolio. Also, Hector is an adjunct professor at the EGADE Business School at the Monterrey Tech for Entrepreneurial Finance. Prior to this, Hector participated in a Fintech Startup. In addition, Héctor held previous positions in Private Equity and in Corporate and Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Héctor graduated from the MBA of NYU Stern and Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Tech in Mexico with honors.


10 Steps to Extend Startup Runway

| Jun 19, 2020
Héctor Shibata Salazar

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School.

Héctor Shibata is the Investment Director of AC Ventures, a Corporate Venture Capital Fund, where he is responsible for leading the investment processes and managing the portfolio. Also, Hector is an adjunct professor at the EGADE Business School at the Monterrey Tech for Entrepreneurial Finance. Prior to this, Hector participated in a Fintech Startup. In addition, Héctor held previous positions in Private Equity and in Corporate and Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Héctor graduated from the MBA of NYU Stern and Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Tech in Mexico with honors.

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Héctor Shibata Salazar

Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School.

Héctor Shibata is the Investment Director of AC Ventures, a Corporate Venture Capital Fund, where he is responsible for leading the investment processes and managing the portfolio. Also, Hector is an adjunct professor at the EGADE Business School at the Monterrey Tech for Entrepreneurial Finance. Prior to this, Hector participated in a Fintech Startup. In addition, Héctor held previous positions in Private Equity and in Corporate and Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Héctor graduated from the MBA of NYU Stern and Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Tech in Mexico with honors.


Venture Capital in Times of COVID-19

| Jun 15, 2020
Richard Wells Viesca

Richard Wells Viesca

Professor of Leadership for Sustainability and Scenarios for Innovation at EGADE Business School

Richard Wells is President of The Lexington Group, a company that consults to senior management on topics related to “sustainable competitiveness”—long-term, socially and environmentally sustainable national and business competitiveness. He has consulted to major and startup companies in the U.S and Latin America, the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank, business organizations including Mexico ́s Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, The Conference Board and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, as well as to national and state government agencies. Since 2012, he has taught at Mexico ́s EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey where he has taught courses on “Leadership for Sustainability” and “Scenarios for Innovation” as well as executive education courses in innovation and strategy. He is recently the author of a monograph, Mexico Facing the Future, published by the Woodrow Wilson Center Mexico Institute that examines the challenges Mexico faces in a future knowledge economy. He is a graduate of Harvard College and has a Master of Science in Management (MBA) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Richard Wells Viesca

Richard Wells Viesca

Professor of Leadership for Sustainability and Scenarios for Innovation at EGADE Business School

Richard Wells is President of The Lexington Group, a company that consults to senior management on topics related to “sustainable competitiveness”—long-term, socially and environmentally sustainable national and business competitiveness. He has consulted to major and startup companies in the U.S and Latin America, the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank, business organizations including Mexico ́s Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, The Conference Board and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, as well as to national and state government agencies. Since 2012, he has taught at Mexico ́s EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey where he has taught courses on “Leadership for Sustainability” and “Scenarios for Innovation” as well as executive education courses in innovation and strategy. He is recently the author of a monograph, Mexico Facing the Future, published by the Woodrow Wilson Center Mexico Institute that examines the challenges Mexico faces in a future knowledge economy. He is a graduate of Harvard College and has a Master of Science in Management (MBA) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.


The Sorrow of a Mexi-Gringo

| Jun 12, 2020
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