EGADE and IE launch the Senior Management Program to transform business leadership

The program forms a bridge between Spain and Mexico, allowing participants to learn about the innovative trends for senior management in technology, leadership, processes, and value creation being implemented in Europe and Latin America.


EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey and IE Business School, two of the most prestigious business schools in Iberian America, have joined forces to launch the Senior Management Program (SMP), an executive program designed to develop value-generation-oriented transformational leadership in directors, shareholders, and business leaders.

In a constantly shifting business environment, where innovation and growth are key to success, SMP offers participants the tools and knowledge needed to navigate both current and future challenges.

The 135-hour program is delivered in a blended format, with online classes as well as in-person classes at the EGADE Business School Santa Fe site in Mexico City, and IE Business School in Madrid, Spain.

SMP targets directors who are responsible for strategic decision-making, executives in senior management positions with at least 15 years’ experience, partners, shareholders, owners, founders and CEOs from any company, management professionals who promote and guide change in their organizations, directors with prior business training and an attitude of continuous learning and intellectual curiosity.

Horacio Arredondo, dean of EGADE Business School, affirmed that SMP forms a bridge between Spain and Mexico for learning about the innovative trends for senior management in technology, leadership, processes, and value creation being implemented in Europe and Latin America.

“In addition to an enriching academic experience, SMP offers participants a unique opportunity to interact with other directors and business leaders from both countries, enabling them to expand their professional networks and potential partnerships,” he stated.

The comprehensive preparation offered by SMP is based on four pillars:

  • Development of a transformation mindset: Acquire the necessary skills and tools to understand market trends, generate value in their organizations and capitalize on innovation opportunities.
  • Creation of future strategies: Delve into competitive and corporate strategy in today’s world, the functioning of governing boards, and personal brand planning.
  • Exponential and sustainable value generation: Explore strategies for designing and reaching growth and sustainability objectives, using technological tools and new methodologies for creating value in every area of the company.
  • Inspiration and commitment: Develop leadership skills to inspire and align teams towards a common objective.

The academic leaders from the two schools are Juan Enciso, director of the EGADE - W. P. Carey Executive MBA, EGADE Business School, and Carola Arboli, director of Open Programs Executive Education at IE Business School.

SMP will be launched in September 2024, opening a unique opportunity for directors, shareholders, and business leaders to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to lead their organizations towards success in a constantly changing world.

Further information here.

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