Lucila Osorio
Dr. María Lucila Osorio Andrade has had a long career within Tecnológico de Monterrey, where she currently serves as a Research Professor in the Department of Marketing and Business Intelligence at EGADE Business School. She is also Interim Director for the Retail Trade Center and Interim Coordinator of the Strategic Focus Research Group in Retail. From January 2011 to February 2022, she has been an adjunct professor at Campus Monterrey, teaching diverse undergraduate courses in the area of Marketing. She has also offered Continuing Education courses at the institution. Dr. Osorio’s professional experience encompasses the areas of Marketing and Exports in companies such as Heineken México and Nutec Industrial. Her research work has been published in numerous indexed journals, including Journal of Product & Brand Management, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, and Humanistic Management Journal. She has presented her research work at several national and international conferences, such as ACACIA (Mexican Academy of Administrative Sciences), IAM (Iberoamerican Academy of Management), and AMS (Academy of Marketing Science). She is an active member of the Academy of Marketing Science and the international honor society Beta Gamma Sigma.