Haydée Elena Moreyra García
Haydeé Moreyra currently works as Academic and Research Coordinator for the Doctoral programs in EGADE Business School Santa Fe. Her professional experience has covered both the private and the public sectors. In the public sector, Haydeé worked at INEGI as Chief of Economic Statistics Department in Guanajuato state. In the private sector, she worked as a consultant and business analyst for El Semanario newspaper and Infosel Financiero. She is currently professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, teaching courses in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics Introduction to Business and Intermediate Economics. She also writes a monthly column at the local magazine Fortuna: Negocios y Economía. Haydeé Moreyra holds a BA in Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey and an MA in Economics from the University of Waterloo.