Sonia Monárrez

Submitted by agustin.leurette on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 10:33

Dr. Monárrez currently holds the Director of Strategic Intelligence position at EGADE Business School. Her specialized teaching areas include the economics of businesses, microeconomics, econometrics, and business intelligence. She is also a member of the Business Analytics research group.  
Before this, Dr. Monárrez was the National Coordinator of Academic Majors at EGADE Business School. She has also worked as Director of Economic Studies at Talous Consulting, an expert for the social development committee in Nuevo León, an editor of BREVIS economic and business reports (focused on Latin America) and OKOMOS, focused on Mexico. She has designed a range of courses in universities such as Harvard, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Universidad de Monterrey, and EGADE Business School.
Dr. Monárrez has a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in applied statistics from Tecnológico de Monterrey; she has completed a master’s degree in public policy and international development with a concentration in national and international economic policy at the Kennedy School at Harvard University. She holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin and a Ph.D. in public policy from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Her areas of interest include business analytics and international economy.

(52-81) 8625-6000 ext. 6155
Director of Strategic Intelligence
  • Master´s degree in Applied Statistics
    Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master´s degree in Public Policy and International Development
    Kennedy School at Harvard University
  • Master´s degree in Economics
    University of Texas at Austin
  • Ph.D. in Public Policy
    Tecnológico de Monterrey

Eduardo Saucedo

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:22

Dr. Saucedo has been a researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (2009-2011) and has worked as Alternate Director in the Automotive Industry in the Sub Secretariat of Industry and Commerce (2001-2004) in the Secretariat of Economy of the Federal Government. He has also been a financial analyst in General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC).

Currently, he is a member of the SNI, (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Conacyt  as well as the American Economic Hispanic Association, and the Western Social Science Association.

In addition to his teaching activities at EGADE Business School, he has served as professor in the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (2012-2016), in New Mexico State University (2009-2011), as well as at the University of Houston and University of Cincinnati.

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6172
Bio subtitle
"To strive for excellence in my classes and inspire students to become leaders in their professional field".
Director at the Department of Finance and Business Economics
  • Ph.D. Economic Development
    New Mexico State University
  • Master in Economics
    University of Houston
  • Master in Applied Economics
    University of Cincinnati

Teófilo Ozuna

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:17

Professor Ozuna has been distinguished by his leadership of academic groups in strategic research projects. He has managed several institutional research funds,  both public and private, of organizations such as The Inter-American Development Bank, Texas A&M University, the Department of Agriculture of the United States, the Texas Water Development Board, The Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade, the Department of Commerce of the United States, and the National Water Commission of Mexico, amongst others.

He has developed his teaching and research interest in the areas of economics and finance, where he has served for more than two decades as professor and researcher at Texas A&M University, The University of Texas-Pan American, and various universities in Mexico and Central America, and currently at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Throughout his academic career, he has received several awards and honors, such as an outstanding professor in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (2004 and 2005) and receiving the Best Paper Award in 2005 IBER (Business) & TLC (Teaching) Conference, Las Vegas (USA). He was distinguished professor of the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2001 and has received several awards as outstanding professor in UPTA (2003-2004) and Texas A&M University (1991-1992).

He was Associate Dean of Research at EGADE Business School and has served as Dean of the College of Business Administration at The University of Texas-Pan American (USA).

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6186
Professor at the Department of Finance and Business Economics
  • Faculty Senator, UTPA 2002-2006
  • Faculty Senate Executive Committee, UTPA 2004-2006
  • Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2005, National Academic Affairs
  • Best Paper Award, 2005 IBER (Business) & TLC (Teaching) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2004, National Academic Affairs
  • MBA Appreciation Award, 2004, UTPA
  • Outstanding Professor of the College of Business Administration Ph.D. Program, 2003, UTPA
  • Outstanding College of Business Administration MBA Faculty Member, 2002, UTPA
  • Provost’ Global Excellence Award, 2002, UTPA
  • Distinguish Professor, 2001, Universidad de Salamanca; Salamanca, Spain.
  • Outstanding Teaching Professor, 2000, The Public Service Masters Program of Texas A&M University and Universidad Centro Americana; Managua, Nicaragua.
  • Distinguish Professor of Economics, 1998; The Agribusiness Masters Program of Texas A&M University and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala; Guatemala.
  • Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Referring, Water Resources Research, 1994.
  • Outstanding Agricultural Economics Professor; 1991-1992, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
  • Excellence in Scholarship Award, 1987, Edcouch-Elsa High School; Edcouch, TX
  • Ph.D. Agricultural Economics
    Texas A&M University

Raúl Montalvo

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:17

Dr. Montalvo Corzo has dedicated his research and teaching work to microeconomic theory and applied it to the economy of a business, industrial organization, econometrics, game theory and global business, areas on which he has extensively written. Amongst his publications and intellectual contributions the following stand out: the co-authorship of 6 books, 10 book chapters, 15 scientific articles, diverse publications and participation in numerous newspapers, specialized journals and radio and tv programs. 

Dr. Corzo has been an associate researcher in applied macroeconomics and optimum stochastic control in the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas and has worked in the private sector in the field of insurance. He has also acted as a consultant in projects for a range of businesses. 

He has been active as a member in various professional organizations such as Coparmex Jalisco’s Economic Analysis Committee, the Committee for Economic Development and the Board of the US Chamber of Commerce, the Consultative Board of Advisors of the Secretariat of Economic Promotion of the State of Jalisco, the Jalisco Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Statistics and Geography. He is also a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level 1, Conacyt. 

In addition to his role as Director of EGADE Business School Guadalajara, Dr. Montalvo has served as the Director of the Graduate School of Administration on the Guadalajara  campus and of the Graduate School of Administration and Business Administration. He has been a visiting professor in countries such as as the UK, Peru, Equador, Colombia, Panama, France and the US and has delivered a SNOC (Small Network Online Course) for the GNAM (Global Network for Advanced Management) consortium. 

He has completed short term programs in economic geography and overlapping generations in the Technical University of Lisbon; business and the Chinese market in Fundan University and Peking university; data visualization at the Stevens Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship at Babson College. 

+52 (33) 3669 3000 ext. 3710
Bio subtitle
"Senior executive passionate about applied economic research with international experience".
  1. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) from the Ministry of Technology and Science in Mexico (CONACYT) “Level 1” from 2011-2013, 2014-2017, 2018-2021
  2. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) from the Ministry of Technology and Science in Mexico (CONACYT) “Level C” from 2008-2010
  3. Prize to the best Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Economics Department at the University of Essex (2000-2001)
  • Ph.D. in Economics
    University of Essex
  • Master of Economics
    Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A. C. (CIDE)

Osmar Zavaleta

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:17

Dr. Osmar Zavaleta Vázquez is Associate Dean of Research of the Undergraduate Business School and EGADE Business School at Tecnologico de Monterrey. He also serves as Leader of the Research Group on Organizational Strategy and Industry Transformation. He has held diverse leadership roles throughout his career at Tecnológico de Monterrey. At Campus Monterrey, he was program director, area director, associate division director, and division director, at the undergraduate level, and, at EGADE Business School, interim dean, program director, department director, and site director.

He has participated as visiting professor at diverse universities in Latin America, such as Universidad Americana, in Managua (Nicaragua), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, and Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, in La Paz (Bolivia). He served as National Director of Graduate Programs of the Mexican National Association of Accounting and Administration Faculties and Schools (ANFECA), and board member of the A. B. Freeman School of Business of Tulane University (USA).

Dr. Zavaleta Vázquez specializes in the fields of Mathematics for Finance, Statistics for Finance, Finance for Energy, Valuation of Derivative Instruments, and Investment Management. He has published academic research papers on a variety of finance-related topics in highly prestigious national and international journals, and has participated as a speaker at diverse academic and research conferences.

He holds a B.Sc. in Engineering Physics, a Master in Industrial Engineering and Master in Applied Statistics from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and a Master in Finance and Ph.D. in Finance from Tulane University.

+52 (81) 8625 6000
Bio subtitle
"Committed to Mexico’s development through education".
  • Teaching Labor Award. Tecnológico de Monterrey (1998 and 2013)
  • Professor that has left its mark Award. Tecnológico de Monterrey (2013)
  • Research Award. Mexican Stock Exchange (2008)
  • Research Award. IMEF and E&Y (2013)
  • SNI Level I. Conacyt (2016)
  • Ph.D. in Finance
    A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
  • Master in Finance
    Tulane University
  • Master in Applied Statistics
    Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master in Industrial Engineering
    Tecnológico de Monterrey

Alejandro Ibarra

Submitted by egade on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 14:10

Dr. Ibarra-Yunez’s areas of specialization are international trade and finance, economic models, industrial organization and regulations, econometrics, the Latin American economy, trade blocks and commercial agreements. In recent years, his research has been based in the areas of imperfect contracts in international integration, moral hazard problems, game theory and network sectors (telecommunications, infrastructure, transport, energy, banking, and multinational outsourcing.)

His deep knowledge of networks and regulation has earned him the positions of Director of the network economies and economic regulation at Tecnológico de Monterrey, of the Graduate Center for Studies of Western Hemispheric Trade at the University of Texas at Austin (USA) - where he has also worked as Professor of International Integration and Economic Problems and Policies of Latin America since 1994. He also and the Economic and Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities for U.S.-Mexico Electricity Trade and Cooperation project at the LBJ School of Public Affairs – an institution where he has also been a visiting professor.

He has published 11 books and more than 40 articles in scientific journals related to his area of research. Additionally, he is an international consultant in the areas of industrial organization and regulation, as well as international trade and network regulation. Dr. Ibarra-Yunez is also a member of SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) Level II, Conacyt. 

+52 (81) 8625 6000 ext. 6075
  • Ph.D. in Economics
    The University of Texas at Austin
  • M.S. in Economics
    The University of Texas at Austin
  • Master in Economics
    CIDE Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas