Digital Skills: the Key to Managing Workplace Stress

In the face of stress caused by the digitalization of work, digital self-efficacy is part of the solution for improving employee well-being

Habilidades digitales, clave para manejar el estrés laboral

The digitalization of work has introduced new challenges for employees and companies, including managing workplace stress. Burnout syndrome, or chronic workplace stress, is widely documented as one of the typical disorders of the 21st century, exacerbated since the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout is associated with work overload, time pressures, poor communication, lack of support, and even unfair treatment at work. It is also linked to digitalization, which increases social isolation and decreases human connection. However, digitalization can also be an ally in managing stressful situations, thereby enhancing our well-being and job satisfaction, as demonstrated by our research, The stress-busting power of Digital Self-Efficacy: Does training format matter for workers?” (Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 2025).

This recent study, conducted by researchers from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral* (Ecuador) and EGADE Business School, explores how employees’ confidence in their digital skills—known as digital self-efficacy—can help them cope with the workplace stress caused by the digitalization of work.

Workplace Stress and the Need for Disconnection

The study reveals that excessive work can make it difficult for employees to unwind at the end of the day, negatively impacting their physical and mental well-being. Conversely, when companies support workers, for instance, through technological upskilling, employees are better equipped to disconnect and recharge.

An unexpected finding of the study was that role ambiguity (e.g., lack of clarity of the task to be performed) could lead employees to disconnect from work upon returning home. When confronted with role ambiguity, employees appear to prioritize their personal well-being, setting aside work-related concerns. This finding is intriguing and warrants further investigation, as while disconnection after work is desirable, it should stem from a healthy motivation that does not result in long-term problems.

Digital Skills for Building Stress Resilience

Digital self-efficacy—confidence in one’s technological abilities—can be a useful tool for managing stressful situations. As our study suggests, employees with greater confidence in their digital skills not only work more efficiently but also find more effective ways to organize their tasks and solve problems. While this does not entirely eliminate issues caused by workload or role ambiguity, this skill enables employees to better utilize company resources, such as training programs or flexible work policies.

In Latin America, where technology is rapidly transforming workplaces, digital skills become essential to staying up-to-date. Companies that invest in developing their employees’ digital capabilities not only strengthen their resilience to stress caused by work digitalization, but they also enhance their ability to innovate and adapt to the ever-changing labor market.

The Importance of Training Format

The study also highlights that how employees learn digital skills influences their ability to manage stress. On one hand, self-directed training, where employees decide what and how to learn, is particularly effective in fostering autonomy and confidence. This approach allows workers to identify and address challenges more effectively, enhancing their ability to handle workloads and uncertainty.

On the other hand, structured training led by the organization has its own advantages. It is more effective in helping employees leverage the support they receive from their companies, especially in work environments where is crucial learning content in a specific order, guided by an experienced instructor. By combining both approaches, organizations can meet the diverse needs of their employees and maximize the impact of their training programs.

Digital skills and training strategies play a pivotal role in employee well-being. In Latin American countries, companies can make a significant difference by investing in appropriate training and policies that support their workforce. Promoting a culture of learning and adaptation not only benefits employees but also improves organizational productivity and resilience. Furthermore, efforts to enhance digital self-efficacy create a healthier and more motivating work environment, which in the long term can translate into a competitive advantage in the global market.

The authors are adjunct professor at EGADE Business School (Yarid Ayala), researcher at the Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Olivia del Roble Hernández) and PhD graduate in Administrative Sciences from EGADE Business School and Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Milton Paredes).

*Special thanks to Ronald Campoverde Aguirre, Research Professor at ESPOL and co-author of the study.

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