Greatest Challenges and Circular Economy Solutions for post COVID era

Circular economy, industrial ecology and systemic thinking approaches are powerful theories, concepts and tools capable to solve relevant problems and challenges that will emerge from the COVID pandemic for the following years. Through our Think Tank we have selected a series of problems that can be solved or at least mitigated, mainly for the less developed areas on the planet. For each problem or challenge a procedure using the SWIT tools is been designed and developed. Some of the challenges are:

  • Transform 100% of the PET residues on a region into sustainable value.
  • Optimize the food chain with all its residues and waste.
  • All that enters the city stays in the city.
  • Generate self-sustainable economy for rural zones.
  • Decouple economic growth from environmental depletion for cities.
  • Startups circular businesses for the bottom of the pyramid.
  • Transform organic waste into valuable assets.