
Connect with the EGADE Community

Learn from those who are already on the road!
At EGADE Business School we want you to have every possible resource to make the best decision for you and your future.
That is why we use Unibuddy, a platform that allows you to come into direct contact with our graduates, students, admissions counselors and faculty.

Connect with the EGADE Community

How to use?

This is your chance to ask everything you want to know about the EGADE experience and the impact your graduate degree will have on your career. To learn more about the EGADE experience and talk with our community, just follow these easy steps:

1. Select

Select the profile of the person with whom you would like to talk

2. Create

Create your account

3. Adjust

Adjust your communication preferences under settings

4. Start

Start a conversation

Connect with our community

Do I get a reply right away?

Not exactly, although there may be people who respond instantly, given that these are high-performance professionals, some may take up to 24 hours to respond.

Here are some ideas to start the conversation

Once you have started a conversation with our community, you can ask them about how to balance your professional development with your lifestyle, the reasons to choose EGADE as a platform to advance in your goals, the challenges and opportunities that can be found, and any other questions related to being an EGADE student.

Meet the community of our programs


EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey has built a globally recognized reputation as the leading Latin American business education institution, committed to empowering omnipreneurial leaders who create shared value and transform society.


© EGADE Business School del Tecnológico de Monterrey. All rights reserved.